okgb said:
That's not the best / worst example of peavey stuff [ of which there are more than a few ]
and wouldn't stop me , but
I'd have to call that pepto bismol , which of course suggests other things
[ or do we blame it on the 80's ....................who ? how did they make design choices
and if they were worried about poor product perception , well ................. ]
Unfortunately I was there during this so I know more than I would like to about the subject. It is easy to be critical, not as easy to do better, but even I found those knob colors unattractive. My suspicion is they were channeling miami vice with those pastels (coral, etc).
Those knobs were tooled up for the console program(s). Peavey made a large sound reinforcement console (Mark VIII) and I did a large split recording console (AMR Production series). Both consoles shared common control components, etc. We both used the same knob tooling but pushed different color plastic through the molds. Thankfully I got to use less extreme color schemes. As i recall there were many many design drawings and this knob design was not thrown together but the result of many hours of work. I may have been in or near the room where decisions were made but I didn't really get a vote. These knobs were pretty cool with soft rubber outside, but I repeat I do not care for those colors. The Mark VIII console was saddled with that same exact color scheme. :-(
There was a pretty significant internal conflict over the Peavey logo... that one on the tube mixer was referred to internally as the "lightning bolt" logo and designed by Hartley on his high school notebook cover (surprise surprise). The alternate logo that I and others lobbied to use was called the block logo
We developed this modern improved logo initially to differentiate the recording and install products from the MI products. There is even a story about the 5150 getting the block logo. Eddie had artistic control over the look of the 5150 and he refused to use the lighting bolt logo after seeing the block logo. So even MI guys had better taste. 8)
The corporate politics were such that the same people who picked those colors, preferred the lightning bolt logo, and some working on the product side were actually threatened by #2 (RIP) to never even show #1 the block logo. This was enough to intimidate most. At the time I left I had put the block logo on a number of MI products I was responsible for, but after I left the block logo has pretty much retreated to only remain on the fixed install product side. FWIW I left because I found myself arguing with the guy who's name was on all the buildings. Most employees decline to argue with the guy who signs their paychecks.
OK here's a related story about taste... It is common when doing artistic designs to show the boss man or boss lady at least three renderings, with a range of different looks. For a relatively routine business card design for the whole company the young designer from the art department tasked with the design, did his best effort, then added two throw away ugly designs, that he ASSumed nobody would ever pick, so his favorite design would get used... Guess what, she picked the ugliest card design and we were saddled with that for years. An object lesson for designers everywhere, never submit a design you don't want to see used. I somehow managed to not have my business cards with me, and people thought I was snubbing them when I said sorry I don't have a card, but I really hated that card.
PS: I don't consider myself some super artistic judge of aesthetics and design, but I know what I like and don't, and most customers I spoke with seemed sympathetic to my preferences (like even Eddie).