Peavey Valvex 6x2 tube mixer - impedance matching...?

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I'd love to see it  , thanks for the offer . You can also post in the tech documents  area
and save the time multiple emailing .

Further to " The look "  the lightening bolt logo with the improvement circle
sometimes has Wings painted beside the logo plate on gtr amps , another retro improvment
[ then mitigated but a downward curve in the wood panel ] I got a good deal on a windsor
combo but immediately had to change the grill cloth [ pale peto color again was making me sick ,
sounds better now  8)
okgb said:
I thought I saw a schematic for this , but can't find it now .
Did it ever show up ?

Reply #31

Ok, now I see that someone offered the original schematic. Would be nice to have.
Hey all -

Sorry to be so slow, but I *just* receive a request and I guess I hadn't subscribed to the thread.

My bad!

Seeing the earlier kind advice, I've posted the Valvex schematic for all in the Tech Documents area under Peavey. Here's the link:

I've actually got 7 (seven!) of these and we're sorting thru the permutations in creating an in-house, discreet, tube summing mixer. Right now it looks like 6 Valvex's run in mono, three panned hard left - three hard right, feeding those six sums into the seventh.

We landed there after exploring options with some folks over on Gearslutz, but I am still open to any thoughts on the matter. All the Valvex inputs are being fed by Digi 192 I/O DA analog outputs......

Thanx for sharing.

Just for fun I compared it to my handdrwn one, and I think I got most of it righ. Except that  8 100pF caps ended up as 8 100ohms resistors in mine... 

mlange, how does that mighty "valvexrig" sound?