Winston OBoogie
Well-known member
Hey Svart,
I think it's great you have the knowledge and experience that some of us don't. There will be solutions to things that are second nature to you but would be-fuddle me for hours.
I've only done a bit of stuff over audio. Most of the guys I've spoken with who do do RF laugh when I tell 'em I do audio. "So you basically just play with DC?" is one I've heard
When I'm working with stuff that has significant dumps, I treat them differently. Digital doesn't touch my audio scheme. And after one little mistake of mine that made it out in a commercial product, neither does my relay and driver logic.
Power amps: well I admit to only having built a few valve units and hand full of class "A" minimal topology brutes.
I would probably not use a switching supply myself for audio unless I had a boss that insisted I do. Why, all of a sudden, would I want to be all efficient 'n' **** when I've just spent ages designing a power wasting hog of an amp?
I think switchers could probably be gotten away with for 'decent enough' audio with additional filtering and linear regs after them. Shunt regs would probably be best as they would help more in elimination of the hi frequency. But when I'm done, it probably might as well have been a linear supply, dunno?
Svart said:I don't think that it's really needed in audio work but I do find that some of the things I've done in RF have fixed issues in the audio world where nothing else seemed to help.
Hey Svart,
I think it's great you have the knowledge and experience that some of us don't. There will be solutions to things that are second nature to you but would be-fuddle me for hours.
I've only done a bit of stuff over audio. Most of the guys I've spoken with who do do RF laugh when I tell 'em I do audio. "So you basically just play with DC?" is one I've heard
When I'm working with stuff that has significant dumps, I treat them differently. Digital doesn't touch my audio scheme. And after one little mistake of mine that made it out in a commercial product, neither does my relay and driver logic.
Power amps: well I admit to only having built a few valve units and hand full of class "A" minimal topology brutes.
I would probably not use a switching supply myself for audio unless I had a boss that insisted I do. Why, all of a sudden, would I want to be all efficient 'n' **** when I've just spent ages designing a power wasting hog of an amp?