I'm sorry for asking too much. Since I'm going to be exposed to cellphone signals often (600-4000MHz) it worries me particularly in that range, but your comment already gives me a start. I'm not using XLR connections here, but I'll deep into it.
At the moment I'm very satisfied because I managed to set Q as I wanted, thanks to your advice. I ended up removing R6 (wired) and reduced R11 to 330ohm; no distortions, oscillations or noise and still a very wide range possible. I would get you some beers if possible! Deep deep gratitude.
At the moment I'm very satisfied because I managed to set Q as I wanted, thanks to your advice. I ended up removing R6 (wired) and reduced R11 to 330ohm; no distortions, oscillations or noise and still a very wide range possible. I would get you some beers if possible! Deep deep gratitude.