Pre-crimped shielded molex cables ? where to buy ?

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Active member
Mar 15, 2005
Hello, I've recently bought  from a very popular seller here  3/4/5/6 pin pre-crimped Molex cables which are, I must admit, very, very pratical because no crimping = very little time consuming.  But the problem is that a lot of project needs shielded cables. So I bought molex pins and connectors, and tryied to do it by myself for my shielded cables...but found it was horribly time consuming. OK guys, I don't have crimper tool, but fore sure it would have been even better and sooo helpful if someone could give me some information for a shop where can I buy noticely 3 or 4 pin pre-crimped SHIELDED molex cables. ..if it exists...
Thanks ;-)

2.54 pitch, screw connection.
Thanks, it's a good idea, these screwing connections. But this is too late for me, because I've already installed all the molex connectors on several PCBs...and noticely for double-faces PCB, it's hard to extract when soldiered.

Any idea where to find pre-crimped shielded molex cables, anyone ?
Have you already tried to buy crimp contacts, and solder them ?
Thats works well, and you don't need to buy a crimping tool.

Maybe you have to cut the strain relief of the crimp contact a bit, to make it fit into the molex chassis.

Try it... it works well.

...markus :)
Before I bought a cheap but well working crimping tool I did hundreds of Molex connectors by soldering.
Works well. Never understood the problems some people reporting here in various threads.
[silent:arts] said:
Before I bought a cheap but well working crimping tool I did hundreds of Molex connectors by soldering.
Works well. Never understood the problems some people reporting here in various threads.

PRR explained while back....
Yes, of course, I tried to sold. Except the fact that it is very time consuming,  the pins seems not to fit very well in the connector when soldiered. And it's very hard to bend well the little metallic arms.
it has to be pushed by force inside the connector and the pins are not always perfectly well placed, so when finished, when you connect the soldiered molex on the other connector, pins tends to goes off the connector. Prewired ones are just perfect, there is no such problem, and it's absolutely fast. But no shield.......

Thanks for the advice.  Maybe I will try if there isn't another solution.
But first of all I'm still searching for pre-crimped shielded cables ! Anyone ?
u can always shield ready molex cables your self with thin/narrow copper strips  ;D

I never ever saw pre-crimped shielded cables - and I've looked through quite some parts over time.

There simply is too many possible variations for it to be feasible as an off-the-shelf part.

You can have them made to order, if you want - many places will do wire harnesses.

Or you can buy dirt-cheap CD-ROM-to-soundcard hookup cables and disassemble.

But don't fear hand-soldering the crimp inserts - 90% of the pcb connections I've made over time (Gyraf) has been like this, only flexible-type cable gets crimped here - and I've only ever had a single point fail 'till now (that I bent too much while inserting in housing)

Jakob E.
Thanks a lot Jakob for this great idea :) CD-Roms cables could be a nice solution for 3 pins cables !
I will also try the tip from Markus, which seems interesting ;-)
Whatever I will persevere with crimping and probably with a little patience will find the best method.

Thanks very much all of you for your precious advices.
What a great place here :)

Don't cut the tabs off! Use needlenose pliars to start them inward just a bit, insert the pre-stripped wire and finsh bending the front tabs onto the exposed strands, solder quickly, in and out so you don't melt the insulation, then finish crimping the back ones (not all the way flat!) just so the back ones hold the insulation firm, but most importantly so they clear the plastic housing before insertion.

Took awhile to get it down, and I regret never buying the proper tool, but they ain't cheap!
I used to solder crimp terminal mainly I think because I did not trust the crimp connection. However, it is an involved and fiddly process which does not get any easier now I am over 60 and my eyesight is not as sharp as it was and the hands are not as dexterous. The main barrier to crimping was for the the stupid high cost of the proper crimp tools and the cheaper automotive types just do not work. I then found a reasonably priced proper crimp tool from Rapid in the UK (only £25) and now I crimp all my screened cables. It is worth tinning the screen to make it more rigid so you can push it into the socket but other than that I find crimping is much easier than soldering.


I've done projects without the tool (soldering), worked out well until one of the channels would intermittently cut out.

Bought one of these and lesson learnt..

Grab a crimp tool, so much quicker and efficient. AliExpress has a tonne of them for cheap, there's nothing to them really..

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