Hey All,
There may have been a simpler way to do this but I put together a little program to calculate parallel resistor values in a switched parallel network. I thought I'd post a link to it because it can be handy if your putting together something like this. I wanted to find out what kind of gain setting I could get by combining multiple resistors that I have laying around in a switched network (CMOS/relays etc...). It allows up to 7 switched resistors in parallel, a global series resistor value and a gain resistor value, outputs a table to a file with equivalent values, gain, and a switch on/off truth table.
So, there may have been a better way or this may have been done before but I have been itching to write some (sloppy) code.........
Great forum here by the way, since I came across it, I read it constantly.....
Brian Allen
There may have been a simpler way to do this but I put together a little program to calculate parallel resistor values in a switched parallel network. I thought I'd post a link to it because it can be handy if your putting together something like this. I wanted to find out what kind of gain setting I could get by combining multiple resistors that I have laying around in a switched network (CMOS/relays etc...). It allows up to 7 switched resistors in parallel, a global series resistor value and a gain resistor value, outputs a table to a file with equivalent values, gain, and a switch on/off truth table.
So, there may have been a better way or this may have been done before but I have been itching to write some (sloppy) code.........
Great forum here by the way, since I came across it, I read it constantly.....
Brian Allen