PYE Compressor/Limiter Thread *boards shipping* BOM up!

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They do sound pretty amazing. They are a PAIN to get working in the current Revision 1.  but totally worth it, sounds like nothing else on acoustic guitars, drum bus, bass, electric guitars....

But Rev 2 is almost done.... :)

PS did a shoot out with a buddy of mine against the plug-in version and the DIY version totally blew it out of the water in every regard. The plugin sounded "grey" and the diy sounded rich full and alive. Something very cool going on with PWM compressors.
Come on abe, stop teasing  :p If I can source the money I will buy one of your built and tested Rev.1 units beginning of next year! Good way to start the new year, don't you think?!
ive got one of the original pcb's offered by abe and had to put it aside as i was in the process of moving house. i will be having another go at this legendary compressor in the next couple of weeks.
the main issue with this build is the oscillator inductor, the rest of the circuit is pretty straight forward.
i'll try to get this inductor substituted by an ic that oscillates at set frequency and post updates here if any success.

Well, 6-7 months have passed...any news, or is this project not going to materialize?

Just wondering.
desol said:
Well, 6-7 months have passed...any news, or is this project not going to materialize?

Just wondering.

Its still in the works...just finalizing things. New PCB design etc....hopefully sooner than later.
;D ;D

Optional toriodal oscillator or chip oscillator.

They will be available soon...getting the build manual and things organized.


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