Yes. You are right. I was getting brain fade. Im working on a 670 simultaneously with this Pye build. The Pye schematics do show a bridge. "Circuit1" is definitely wrong, but I have no idea what that schematic references to? The original AC boards? There is a post early on in this thread where Abe made mention of having mixed up this diode arrangement, and found it after some troubleshooting. I think all is well on the 3.14 rev boards SC bridge wise.
Here are the board issues that I know of or have found (again for rev 3.14 boards)
1) C10 having two "+" signs on the silk screen. Plus goes to the right when viewing the board with the AC logo upright.
2) Alternate wiper pads for trimmers not connected. If you use a trimmer with the alternate pinouts, you need to jumper on the back of the board.
3) C7 "+" sign on silk screen reversed.
4) Two additional resistors in the meter circuit. The first one R67 (1K) takes the place of an outboard resistor in the original that needs to be installed if NOT using an additional remote meter. The second one R65 (1K5) unknown reason, I havent quite finished with that one, looks to be in parallel with the meter (Needs to be verified).
5) Neither the core connection or the metal shield connection on the Cinemag transformer are connected to anything. I plan to experiment with that once all is up and running.