PYE Compressor/Limiter Thread *boards shipping* BOM up!

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Hi Sr1200
Thanks for the response to the matching transistors question.
btw : just to let you know, whenever I look at a thread you are on I get an infection blocked from
This is with avast, thought you should know.

Yeah avast is one of the worst virus protection programs you can install, they refuse to update their definitions or site lists.  (ive actually spoken to them on the phone.. their ACTUAL response:  "we can't rescan every time there's a problem" my response:  "the problem was over 4 years ago, the site was cleaned in less than 24 hours after infection, you're telling me you haven't scanned in over 4 years"......  "SILENCE". ) Just be aware that your AV doesn't keep lists up to date.  There have been a lot of new things that have come out in the last 4 years lol.
Not yet, but very very close! All the harnessing is done. Step attenuators built. Bypass boards done as well as power supplies.

Only thing missing is the input transformers which are being wound now.
mdainsd said:
Only thing missing is the input transformers which are being wound now.

I'm waiting on the Cinemag transformer too, which they tell me will be in the next 2 weeks.  So if anyone is going to do this project now is a good time to order that part.

I accidentally ordered the leaded type if anyone interested in buying a couple of leaded  Input transformers?
Interesting,  is the choice of the  CMLI-15/15B2 just for belt and braces? 

I was quoted $52.75 for the CMLI-15/15B.  What is the cost of the CMLI-15/15B2?

yeah, B2 has dual faraday shields, extra 5 bucks. i think of it as insurance in case of noise issues with the proximity of the power transformer, LOL

Dont know how close you have been following this thread, but there are no shield connections for the input xfmr on the board. If you want to use it or them, it will need to be addressed on the back of the board.
mdainsd said:
there are no shield connections for the input xfmr on the board. If you want to use it or them, it will need to be addressed on the back of the board.

Are you able to expand on what you mean by addressed at the back of the board?  I hadn't noted anything on this when reading the thread and can not find anything when searching.

There is no support for this build other that what we builders are coming up with.

In my post #398 I posted a schematic that I did for the board. If you refer to it you see that the shield connections for the input transformer arent connected. On the bottom of the board you can experiment with adding a jumper from theses shield pins to analog ground or chassis ground or one each if you used the B2 version of the transformer. If you used the B version only one of them is a shield. Go to cinemag for datasheet as to which one is the single shield.
mdainsd said:
There is no support for this build other that what we builders are coming up with.

I'm sure  Abe understands that he's needed, and will chime in at some point...who knows what he's got on his plate.
mdainsd said:
If you used the B version only one of them is a shield. Go to cinemag for datasheet as to which one is the single shield.

Thanks for the info mdainsd.  That Schematic is really going to help me out with a few things I was unsure with earlier in the build. 

I'd be interested to know if people of been using the B or B2 version!  I would be inclined to put the input transformer shields to the star ground.

SR, how about a picture of yours?

Ive checked my schematic so many times around that meter area I can do it in the dark, LOL

The only differences from the original is the addition of two resistors: The 1K in series with the meter. this was off board on the original PYE design and Abe simply moved it onto the circuit board. The second is the  1K5 that is in parallel with the meter terminals, as a scaling resistor for the selected meter. 

Ive recently sourced an original manual for these PYE compressors, there are several versions, all very similar but yet different.
Pic of the compressor?  Ill have to see if i have any from the completion.  But I think what is off is the 1.5k.  The trimmer does next to NOTHING on mine.  (turning the trimmer full either way moves the needle maybe 1-1.5 db on the meter which is not enough to get the meter to sit in the center).
TIP :  Make sure that you have the wiper connected on trimmer R44.  Depending on the particular type of trimmer you use it may not be connected, due to a fault on the pcb layout. You may need to add a bridge between pad & wiper. This has been discussed before.  If you do not have this connection you will get through quite a lot of 1n400x diodes in the psu part of the circuit because they burn up ....
Rob Flinn said:
TIP :  Make sure that you have the wiper connected on trimmer R44.  Depending on the particular type of trimmer you use it may not be, due to a fault on the pcb layout. You may need to add a bridge between pad & wiper. This has been discussed before.  If you do not have this connection you will get through quite a lot of 1n400x diodes in the psu part of the circuit because they burn up ....

IIRC this is true for ALL of the trimmers except the Voltage adjust.

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