More progress!
Replaced the defective caps in the LP filter, Now that passes signal front to rear. Down about 1dB at 20Khz, fine for now and probably for good.
Installed the oscillator board, and? Nothing! OK another board problem, this time on the oscillator (IC) board. Its the trimmer center pin issue again but in reverse. Now if you use a pot there with the leads inline you need to jumper the middle pad to the center auxiliary pad. I cannot get my oscillator up to 250Khz, End of pot only gives about 200Khz. But again, it is good enough for now.
Installed the switching transistor.
Checked signals. Weird. Where I expect to see these PWM pulses, I get a DC level with the pulses. The more input level the more - the control signal to the switching transistor. I dont get the waveforms shown for the original

BUT, It compresses beautifully. Im wondering if the switching transistor is operating more like a regular transistor and as the base voltage changes it is syphoning more signal to ground rather than chopping it, Limiting works too, but the limit level (output) is quite a bit higher than compressed output.
1:1 works, no compression as it should be. 2:1.,3:1 and 5:1 "look" reasonable on the scope, but I'll have to graph each of their response curves to be sure.
Biggest problem right now is absolutely no meter movement under any condition, Zero all the time
Rob, as far as oscillator noise on the output signal, mine has a tiny amount at low levels. I also see it is very sensitive to the scope and sig gen leads.
SR1200, my unit does not display any issue with cell phones. I actually laid the phone on the circuit board and carried on a conversation on speaker while monitoring output, both below compression threshold and under heavy compression. I see nothing on the scope.