Gene, i think we have a winner!
Thanks for that link, will follow up on that.
So, back to the restoration where the time have come to mount the busbars.
This was more tricky than you would think since when they cut the originals of it was not done very evenly.
I tried to grind them down to get them level but they were still a little different in lenght after that.
Also they were not lining up evenly with the new ones when using the original mountingholes, so i had to come up with something clever.
My solution was to first drill new mountingholes in the busbars and also place the mounting holes in the bracket unevenly.
First i cut some new brackets out of a simple V shaped bar and drilled a few holes.
This was slightly bigger and thinner than the original, but good enough.
Then i had to make some grooves in the bracket so i did not make contact with the
feed-through terminals
After that i drilled new holes in the busbars and made them a bit oval so i could move them back and forth.
I also placed the holes slightly different from eachother according to how the excisting busbars were cut off so they would fit better.
Here they Group busbars are mounted to on of the bracket closest to the old bars.
For the other side i did the other way around and made the holes in the bracket oval and not in a straight line.
This was because on this end i could use the original holes in the busbars and did not want to drill them out more than neccesary.
Then i did a similar thing to the echosend, solo and FB send busbars,
And here they are ready to be mounted in the frame.
So first i attached the bracket on to the wall between the buckets together with the other bracket on the on the other side.
I then pushed the busbars as close to the old ones to get as tight fit as possible and secured them with the screws.
Then i secured them by the other bracket as well.
Now they are connected as good as possible without welding or changing the whole lenght out.
The last things i do is to solder in a piece of solid copper to tie the busfeeds together and start soldering in all the feeds from the routingmodule connectors to their corresponding feed-through terminal ( i love that word now!).
Sorry for the long post but mounting these was major pita that i wanted to show you.
As you can see i had already mounted the square, copper bars for B+ and B- before this, i forgot to take pictures of that part but it was slightly easier than the busbars.
All i had to do was to cut the phenolic, insulating blocks in the the correct length and drill them out properly to mount them in the frame.
All the terminals on these are screwed in to the bar so that was kind of easy...
Either way, a thing that looked easy on paper turned into a major hassle, all just since some stupid person decided to cut off that bucket sometime in the past, but now at least its done....