Hi, while my diy tape recorder is resting for a while i wanted to present you a funny interesting little vintage filter board, inductor based from former eastern germany.
got it for cheap. Cant say now to inductor filter.
i ve to completely reverse engineer it and have no shematics.
it looks most close to a Fixed Filter Bank like the moog 907 or a clone like this: http://www.analog-monster.de/mmt914.html
of course its obviously not wired for that applicatiom but given its 6 pos switch seems to be a preset filter.
very interesting is the the upper row is a classic fixed inductor setup while the lower row has 2 pins standing out wich are interconnected and trim pot.
i am pretty sure the trim pots would be replaceable as filter style pots and the 2 pins should work as signalflow points wiring one to the next inductor and so on.
so the aim is probably some kind of FFB. Does anyone know or see clear signal path or pin meaning Like for power/ground? Pretty sure its 24v standard
got it for cheap. Cant say now to inductor filter.
i ve to completely reverse engineer it and have no shematics.
it looks most close to a Fixed Filter Bank like the moog 907 or a clone like this: http://www.analog-monster.de/mmt914.html
of course its obviously not wired for that applicatiom but given its 6 pos switch seems to be a preset filter.
very interesting is the the upper row is a classic fixed inductor setup while the lower row has 2 pins standing out wich are interconnected and trim pot.
i am pretty sure the trim pots would be replaceable as filter style pots and the 2 pins should work as signalflow points wiring one to the next inductor and so on.
so the aim is probably some kind of FFB. Does anyone know or see clear signal path or pin meaning Like for power/ground? Pretty sure its 24v standard