Too cool, CJ! I became close friends with a guy in1990 who'd just moved to Arkansas from L.A., and he always talked about how badly he missed his Risson that he had to sell and leave behind. He couldn't believe I'd never heard of them, because they were fairly common there, and both he and the other guitarist in his band played 'em. I've still never seen one in real life, and this is the first time I've seen anything online about them.
It made no sense to me when he'd say Bob "Rissi" without an N and then "Risson" with an N. I thought it was just his accent (that was rather unusual to me), because around here in these parts our Southern twang is rather extreme, to say the least. It all makes sense now!
Thanks for posting the schematic! Like Rock, I'm amazed by your stellar schematic drafting skills. My own hand-drawn schematics are about as easy to understand as my aforementioned speech.... maybe even less so.