Sansamp Bass Driver DI

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I haven`t test it with 18V but maybe it will work a bit better, a little less ditortion maybe.

best regards
I read earlier you mentioning that there would be less gain with a 16 to 18v change. The tone I look for is a lot of grit, and I don't want to lose that!  :eek:

Also, I'm still quite a novice, what's the best kind of cap to use? I've heard bad things about ceramics not sounding good from a buddy of mine who does amps.
My "all-time" favorite caps for guitar circuits are cheap, no-name, MKT film (polyester) caps. I use the small, "box" types with 5mm lead spacing.They give some sort of "nasal presence" to the sound which works well for guitars. Works well with your wallet, too ...
For the fuzz we tried 100 things including styroflexes, orange drops and what have you back then, and
the no-name MKT grey box 150n just out-rocked them.
.... copycat ....
about the sw it´s the same on both pictures.

I suggest you keep it simple at first. connect the battery direct to the board, measure voltage at V+ of each op amp.

on an old version of the pcb one of the sw pads (SW2) is not conected to the trace, be shure it is conected like in this picture

let me know if you have other issues.

best regards

Hi Guys!!!
Thanks Rafael for this work!

I make a good quality PDF File based on the Rafael´s PDF in plexilandia and I fit the PCB Layout to the real size (I think)and it is ready to print and then self-etch. But remember in the print set up don´t  fit the page to the print area!!!. So the size of the PCB is 110mm x 70mm. Please Rafael confirm if this is the correct size.

Please Guys check this layout with the Rafael´s PDF in plexilandia if you are not sure, so say me if you find  mistakes.

I mirrowed the components layout  too, so if you want can print and transfer to the no copper side. 

To Rafael:  Esta version 3. es la final y esta lista para trabajar???; mi pregunta va porque hace tiempo lei en plexilandia q habia errores en la PCB, están estos errores rectificados? gracias por tu tiempo.

Best regards

sorry guys I have problems with my internet and I cant post the pdf  :mad:  but I will try soon posible :-\

So Rafael I can send you the pdf  via E mail

the pcb on my PDF is ready to print, just don´t use fit to page. this is the latest version, it don´t have errors from the schematic. it have some issues on a extreme configuration but it is totally usable. maybe there is an error on the schematic, I didn´t trace it.

the size is 110x70mm.
I mirrowed the components layout  too, so if you want can print and transfer to the no copper side.

I do that too sometimes! :D

I´m using this place to share some files

send me a PM if you want to send it via email.


I will etch the Sansamp GT2 and the Sansamp Bass Driver, So guys  is good idea to use for the Polypropylene Film the "orange drops caps" in these projects?? or the wimas is enough??  And/Or where I find the cheaper MKT film caps??


i can't find a 3.2K resistor...can i replace it with 3K or 3.3K?..are all pots placed directly like the pics?..

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