rmaier said:
Thanks Ian and Dave for your patience - I apologize for my thickness. :-[ Earth and 0v had me confused. Otherwise, I think I'm good to go and will report back in a few days (I hope).
No need to apologise. There are many many people who are similarly confused and it does not help that the terms ground, earth, chassis, signal ground and 0V are often used interchangeably and hence connected together in places they should be.
The principle purpose of 0V is as a return path for signal current within a device.
The principal purpose of chassis (earth or ground) is as a screen around your circuit. The screen picks up external interference and routes it safely and separately away from signal currents. If you (accidentally) route interference through 0V wires you get noise and earth loops which is why it is important to connect the two together at one point only.
In the good old days of transformer balanced inputs and outputs this worked fine and there was absolutely no need for any signal current to flow in screens. But today, with electronically balanced input and outputs the ins and out are actually differential rather than balanced so this important property has been lost with the result that people now get hum loops even in so called balanced circuits.