Adam Smith said:
Thanks for the advice. I applied a balanced signal and re-calibrated up to CV levels (I can't calibrate further, as i can't get enough GR to so so) Still having the same problem tho. I have a better set of measurements now.
Applying a balanced signal to both inputs at once and measuring the input and output with my fluke (and later scope just to confirm my fluke readings) across pins 2 and 3 of the ins and outs I got the following results.
With the input signal reading 1.23 Vacrms I couldn't get gain reduction.
With the input at 18.9dBu (6.778vacrms) here are my GR readings
Ratio 2:1
Thresh -20 | 14.9dBu (4dB of GR)
Thresh +20 | 17.8 dBu (1.1dB of GR)
Ratio 4:1
Thresh -20 | 16.71dBu (2.19dB of GR)
Thresh +20 | 18.7 dBu ( 0.2dB of GR)
Ratio 10:1
No GR in any Thresh setting.
I adjusted the threshold trimmer on the board and these readings were the most GR I could get with it set anywhere (it is set fully CC for these readings)
it should be noted that I have variable resistors in every slot that the board would take them.
So, either there is a calibration trimmer that I'm totally missing, or I'm guessing it's something in the control board. Any leads in the right direction would be great.
Adam, it sounds like your problem lies somewhere in your sidechain signal. You're passing audio so we can check off faulty VCA's.
Does your makeup gain work?
Which VCA's are you using?
You don't by chance have JMP3/JMP6 (by the audio VCA's) installed do you?
You're getting correct +/-12V rails?
Otherwise you need to just trace the signal and find out where it craps out. Look on the schematic, start at the beginning of the sidechain. Put the unit in Stereo Sidechain (aka Turbo Mode) and feed it a signal, just set it to 1V RMS for sanity purposes.
Check Left sidechain - TP8 - Got 1V?
OK, move on - TP11 Still have 1V?
Next check U16 Pin 7. Continue on down the path, let me know your findings. You'll start to have DC voltage at U16 Pin1 and U16 Pin14 as it's a rectifier circuit.
Hey, you know what, it just dawned on me, did you install a 47K at R169 right by the threshold pot???? If so jumper him instead (you can just solder a piece of wire across the resistor to short it out, no sense in trying to remove the resistor. Try that first before you do anything else.