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EHOFFA007 said:
Payment sent for a second kit $111.00.
please update to 2x.


As far as I can tell, the list should be completely up to date for everybody.  If anyone ordered and the list on page 1 doesn't reflect what they ordered please let me know ASAP.

For those that were asking about transformers:

My unit was tested with an 18V-0-18V 25VA transformer with no issues.  So an 18V-0-18V 25VA - 30VA , around 800mA would be ideal for this build.  I'd recommend something like this:

or this:

Please note, anything taller thatn 32mm will be very difficult to fit into a 1U case, so pick something no taller than that.  (Both of the one's I listed are 32mm or shorter).
Neil said:
Cool! Thanks for the info.

Ptownkid mentioned crush-n-blend was being worked out. Any more details on that?

Well, he kind of jumped the gun on that one.  The provisions for CnB are already there for use with an external board (wiring points exist and 2 traces need to be cut - those 2 traces are clearly marked, you can't miss them), however it hasn't been tested at all, and it's going to be a while before I get to it - at the moment I don't even have a CnB board that I could try it with.  I have (hopefully) plans for a custom CnB expansion board that mounts on mine however this is all down the road, future expansion kind of stuff.  There's alot of logistics involved, front panel real estate issues, etc, to be honest I don't even know if it's all feasible yet, and right now I'm busy doing all the cleanup work for this thing (assembly doc's, calibration docs, BOM, etc.), so it's kind of on the backburner at the moment.
ruckus328 said:
...There's alot of logistics involved, front panel real estate issues, etc...

just a thought (not that i know much of what i'm talking about), but would it be feasible to use a dual concentric (?) pot to control makeup gain and mix without having to completely rearrange the front panel layout? i would love to see a mix control on this thing, but i would rather wait for a mod than delay getting going on the current revision... ;)
Hurry up! The suspense is burning a hole in my rack!



Payment sent for 1 kit.  Looking forward to this.  Board and front panel look great.
