wow, prominent members answering here when it comes to xfmrs.:grin:
thanks alot for the fast responses. was a quick shot.
i hope i understand you right, Jakob (transformers are relatively unknown land to me...). I have no "real" measuring equipment here (only DMM and soundcard), so i did the following:
the xfmr has no center tap.
the signal chain was like this:
soundcard out (-15dB levelled test signal to meet -1dB on the soundcard in), 100Ohm (specs soundcard)
-> 1:10 -> xfmr
12kOhm (spec soundcard)
soundcard in
(met the -1dB to make the rightmark audio analyzer happy)
i hope this makes some sense to you.
That might be good in a vocal mic pre, where you want both ends to roll off.
But not for micing instruments with a lot of bandwidth, like bass and cymbals.
That was exactly the first impression to me looking at the freq response curve. :shock:
(so i'm not *that* false thinking of it as an audio xfmr)
Since it cannot be used as a balanced to unbalanced xfmr (no center taps) maybe it can be used for a synthie line amp input...hmmm.
i have two of them.
i wonder what kind of pre (a groupdiy project?) would be possible with this.
maybe of use as a coloring output xfmr?
you have much more experience with that than i have....
any thoughts appreciated...
thanks again and happy diy