First of all, your project looks great. Really good work. Second, where are you getting 2520-style DOA's for 5 EUR? I believe that you are pretty close in that estimate for the parts alone. 5 EUR may be a bit low but not by that much. However, how much do you pay yourself for working on your own projects? Probably not much. I have that same problem. Yes, the parts for any hand-built DOA are not that expensive. But the assembly, matching and testing time should be considered. Lastly, concerning DOA's versus monolithic opamps and line drivers, etc. We have done a fair amount of testing in this area. While it is true that the "good" monolithic opamps (OPA604, OPA134, etc.) are basically indispensable, I find that they are not the same as a true DOA. The monolithic IC's have quite a few transistors in there (20 to 30 in some cases) and integrated capacitors and resistors too. I have found that the monolithic opamps usually always end up "filtering" or "veiling" the sound. Yes, I have many, many opamps in my gear. They are hard to not use. A good circuit implementation will minimize these veiling effects. Then, when it comes to the THAT drivers and receivers, go read the datasheets on those. They usually say "transformer-like performance". These are good chips. I have used them. I used the SSM-2142 way back in 1993. But they are not the same as a true transformer-balanced output amplifier. We used to own a Dangerous 2Bus LT summing box. It was a very good box. We have since sold it because we were able to upgrade to a better discrete summing mixer. However, if you have the opportunity, open up a Dangerous 2Bus and look inside. The receivers are Burr-Brown INA134 (I think) balanced receivers. The opamps are all OPA134 (or 2134 or 4134). And the outputs are all DRV134's. All very good Burr-Brown devices. The Dangerous box is pretty close to transparent. It does not impart very much of the veiling effect. It is very transparent and clean. However, it does not have the oomph and balls of our discrete summing mixer. A properly designed discrete mixer will have really solid low-end and ultra silky smooth high-end. It is difficult to get all of that with just monolithic opamps. The internal design of the monolithic opamps is too "stomped on" to give good specifications but that ends up impacting sonic performance. That's what I think anyways. And transformers are big and expensive. So if you're spinning circuit boards, you may want to leave a few hooks in your design to make changes later. DW.