Problem with doing it the way that Rob describes is that it removes the feed from the stereo buss. That makes it unsuitable for "on-air" use, or checking during a mix print.
Petey Porpoise,
Are you sure you mean "PFL" SIP?
There are a couple of ways of doing Solo-in-place, most common is the "destructive" solo, which mutes everything other than the solo'd component.
the second one, which is common on Neve consoles, is to AFL by leaving everything as-is, but the same signal line which in destructive solo mode would mute everything with a button not pressed is used to instruct the monitor to switch away from the stereo buss output and switch to the stereo solo AFL line. The signal at the two outputs of the pan pot (post fader) is then also switched to the AFL busses (left & right), and since the panpot is post fader, this is AFL SIP.
There has never been a PFL SIP as far as I've encountered. -Not to say that it's impossible, but it might be more likely to be useless in that it ignores all fader attenuation, so why would panpot attenuation be important...? Balance info is lost, so stereo position info would not be much use.
The AFL SIP is useful in that if you then add a "-6dB-at-centre" crossfade blend of the stereo buss to your stereo AFL, you get SIF, or Solo-In-Front.
Now that's happnin!!!