[quote author="hourglass"] Should I have replaced both the input and output chips? I think so.
I just noticed that I missed the deal about shorting C5 on the output board - what kind of difference does this make?
And finally - I've got some samples. They're nothing spectacular - just me kind of humming into a mic and then playing some guitar.
See if you can spot which one is the stock channel (minus the 3 input caps) and which is the channel with the NE5532.
My guess is that the first sample of both the vocal and the guitar is the mod with the new NE5532's...
Ok, so on to what I want to do to my PR8. I'm planning on cutting out C13, C14 and C15, and I want to figure out how to take out C10 as well... I know I just cut out C13/14/15, but with C10 do I need to solder in a short wire where the leads of C10 used to be? I'm taking C10 out becuase I'd rather do all my modding on the pre board so as to leave the output circuit as intact as I can (maybe later I'll entirely replace the pre board and use the existing output board... who knows.
2nd I want to replace the Opamps... Charlie, you answered the last post by saying that the 5532 and the 2134 will give you slight differences, but nothing too spectacular. What I'd really like to do is mod 4 of the pres with one IC and use another IC for the other 4. It's just something I think would give me more variety when I use these. Do you think this is a dumb idea? I know you've modded your two with identical IC's in each but different from each other...is it worth it to make all 8 the same? What about doing something like 2 pres with OPA2134, 2 with OP275, 2 with OPA2604 and 2 with NE5532 (I got all those chips from reading through this board - it seems like those are the ones being used here - I honestly don't have a clue how they're different from each other cause I'm a real newbie here, so I'm just throwing out the numbers after I searched mouser and found I can get all the IC's from there.)
Someone said they're IC's came as "TI samples"...what does that mean? Does that mean they got some to use free from a supply company? How could I get them like that? I don't want to shell out 3.15 a piece for the OP2134's I found on Mouser if I can get some free... I'm in Canada too if that makes a difference. Otherwise, where could I get them.
One last thing... How many IC's do I need per channel? I opened up my box and found a whole bunch of 4558's - two per channel. 1 is on the input board and 1 is on the output board. I kinda have the idea that replacing both would be best...do they have to be the same chip? Could I use OP2134's on the input side and 5532's on the output side and what would this sound like compared to using the same for input and output? Also, correct me if putting a socket in means I can just plug the IC in and take it out without soldering...What would be the advantage of doing this? Would it allow me to 'hotswap' the IC's kinda like changing tubes in mics/pres to get a differenct flavour? I'd rather not make it too complicated and would therefore prefer to simply solder the new IC's into place - is this more complicated?
Also, I have the older 'blue face' PR8...I've seen the black ones and they're much sexier...does this mod apply to both or just the new one or what?
Thanks for all the help - reading this has been a night of fun and excitement for me!