So yeah, the PC people have won once again..

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user 37518 said:
Agreed, all I'm saying is that those on top of what you just said, they should also have to take into account that some women leave or do not want to work because of motherhood, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Well, I was a stay-at-home dad, so I guess I wouldn't know anything about women opting out of the workforce.
hodad said:
Well, I was a stay-at-home dad, so I guess I wouldn't know anything about women opting out of the workforce.

Not sure whats your point with that comment or what are you trying to prove.
user 37518 said:
Not sure whats your point with that comment or what are you trying to prove.

Maybe part of the choice of who stays home with the fam has more to do with comparative salaries of parents--I can think of at least 3 other SAHDs I've known who earned less than their spouses.  So maybe part of the equation that we're overlooking here is that a lot of new moms are making less than their male spouses, so beyond traditional gender roles there are pressing economic concerns in deciding which parent leaves the workforce.  And it might possibly lead one to ask why so many women are making less than their male spouses.  Are they making less because they're leaving the workforce, or are they leaving the workforce because they're making less? 

There's absolutely a lot more that I'd like to say, but real quick i want to address this sentiment i see a lot here:

fazer said:
But really just stay away from topics in the brewery if you don’t like the content.  It’s hard but doable.

This is ostensibly an electronics forum. If we're gonna have a place like the Brewery where we can go off topic, then when i see a point of view i think is reprehensible or harmful to the community or pretty much any other way i feel about it in the moment, then i have just as much of a right* to express an opposition to it as whomever does to say it in the first place. If you don't like my reaction, then i dunno, maybe just stay away from it, it's hard but doable, do i have that right? Just ignore it? Or is that only for certain views?

*well maybe not a RIGHT, but i guess that could bring up interesting points about who can say what around here
I don't identify as a woman. I guess i checked a box 15-20 years ago when i signed up for this account and basically not thought about it again since. Really interesting how the tone of the comments toward me shifted once someone mentioned they looked up my gender, right? Don't you see how that's kind of weird?
I'm not trying to pick a fight on this one, but I'm not gonna move out of the way either. Last week user 37518 showed everyone his whole ass with that incel post or whatever, and i'm tired of that shit going unchallenged here

If he can say that, then i can tell him to shut up. And why should i have to dress my response up in a layer of "civility" when I feel that what i'm responding to lacks it in the first place

I'm suggesting that if either of our positions unwelcome here, then they both should be unwelcome. In the electronics forum.
You wanna talk about beers, or chili recipes, or any number of awesome things here? Then I'm down.

If you want to go after my friends? I gotta tell you to shut the f-u-c-k up
Ahh, the last gasps of a dying generation.

A few of the senior members here might just need to accept that the same thing is happening to you that happened to your parents and every generation before: your ideas are getting old and if you don't update them, things will get stranger and stranger until the whole world has gone crazy... at least from your perspective.

You can call it cancel culture I guess, but it's no different than the same old story in history - a new idea has taken root and it challenges the foundations of our cultures and societies. People like you who are fairly comfortable with "the way things are" are going to be made very uncomfortable by those who aren't. Adapt or die is a bit dramatic, but in a cultural sense that's what's happening.

There are valid criticisms of progressive culture taking place *among progressives*, and frustration with the tendency for systems of capitalism and neoliberalism to co-opt progressive aesthetics while doing nothing to address core issues... but most of what comes from Fox News, Jordan Peterson, Bill Mahr, et al, is a straw man or a spook.

Since so many niche issues have been raised here and I don't make enough money to possibly address all of them individually, I would point any old folks with an open mind to watch some videos from leftist YouTubers such as (spins wheel....) Contrapoints!

There's a lot of (very tasteful) fluff, so maybe sit back and crack open a beer:

This is the advice my grandpa gave me when I was a teen;

"Never buy anything that ends with ..ism"
"Never trust a guy in a dress"
"Never be offended, whatever life trows at you, never be offended"

Dreams said:
If he can say that, then i can tell him to shut up. And why should i have to dress my response up in a layer of "civility" when I feel that what i'm responding to lacks it in the first place
Because you are an adult and better than that.



ComodoComplex said:
Ahh, the last gasps of a dying generation.

If only.  One thing I think the Trump era illustrated is how easily the US could slip into a much more fascistic, permanent minority-rule style of govt.  Much of the foundation is already laid--remnants of Jim Crow & other racist laws, a Republican party that is pushing vote suppression and gerrymandering as a centerpiece of their strategy, and a decades-long effort  to turn the US courts into a bastion of white, Christian conservatism really starting to bear fruit. 

They may be old, and they may be part of an ever-shrinking minority, but they will not go gentle into that good night.
i have just as much of a right* to express an opposition to it as whomever does to say it in the first place. If you don't like my reaction, then i dunno, maybe just stay away from it, it's hard but doable, do i have that right? Just ignore it? Or is that only for certain views?

You have every right to respond with anything but “ just shut your mouth”

Doesn’t the same apply to user 37518’s opinion comment.  I for one want to hear his views. 
hodad said:
If only.  One thing I think the Trump era illustrated is how easily the US could slip into a much more fascistic, permanent minority-rule style of govt.  Much of the foundation is already laid--remnants of Jim Crow & other racist laws, a Republican party that is pushing vote suppression and gerrymandering as a centerpiece of their strategy, and a decades-long effort  to turn the US courts into a bastion of white, Christian conservatism really starting to bear fruit. 

They may be old, and they may be part of an ever-shrinking minority, but they will not go gentle into that good night.

Yes sadly this is the whole truth... my post was probably a bit optimistic
Dreams said:
I'm not trying to pick a fight on this one, but I'm not gonna move out of the way either. Last week user 37518 showed everyone his whole ass with that incel post or whatever, and i'm tired of that sh*t going unchallenged here

I expressed my opinion, you took it personally and now are directly attacking me and making judgements about me like calling me an incel which you think is justified, and by the way incel means "involutarily celibate" I am exactly the opposite, voluntarily celibate. Thats the whole thing about PC and cancel culture, they feel offended for what you say and not only they want to supress what you say by saying "shut up", but the irony is that they actually feel that deliberately offending you is justified just because they do not agree with you on what social convention dictates. So you can't say anything that offends someone and the woke response to ensure that doesn't happen is to offend you, am I the only one who thinks this doesn't make sense?
ComodoComplex said:
Ahh, the last gasps of a dying generation.

A few of the senior members here might just need to accept that the same thing is happening to you that happened to your parents and every generation before: your ideas are getting old and if you don't update them, things will get stranger and stranger until the whole world has gone crazy... at least from your perspective.

The only difference is that the old generations fought and some of them died for the right of free speech, and the new generation are doing the same but to supress it. And I think that free speech goes beyond just about a generation movement, free speech is basically one of the principles of freedom, so it goes beyond that.

Like I mentioned previously, one of my students said "Free speech should end when someone gets offended", and I refer to Jordan Peterson, ok, If I am talking one on one with someone we can try to make that happen so that might apply and I do not offend you, but what if I am talking to 1000 people? at least 1 of them will get offended by the mere fact I exist, so I basically can't say anything in order to not offend anyone?

Dreams said:
You wanna talk about beers, or chili recipes, or any number of awesome things here? Then I'm down.

If you want to go after my friends? I gotta tell you to shut the f-u-c-k up

This is the perfect example and it encompass the entire new ideology, you want to talk about something I agree with? I'm down, if not, f you. Somehow this discussion suddenly became about her/his friends in a way I do not understand. Who exactly are these so called friends of yours that I am going after? your beer buddies? your gender? the ones you identify with? the PC people? the woke movement? feminism? your ethnic group? your religious group? are we talking about the entire world or just in your city? I don't even know who they are, or who you are, you haven't even identified yourself as female or male or anything else, How can I go after your friends?

hodad said:
Well, I was a stay-at-home dad, so I guess I wouldn't know anything about women opting out of the workforce.

Two good friends of mine were stay at home dads. I don't think it was planned that way but in both cases the wives had steady well paying jobs. Better income than either of my friends were making. So they stayed home and the wives worked. I think it's fairly common these days.
There's a lot of (very tasteful) fluff, so maybe sit back and crack open a beer:

This is tasteful?
We've always been a "work from home/schooling dad & mom". Which means kids first and lots of compromising. We have our goods/bads, but I had never considered it as being unique just life.

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