the reason we don't save the charts for every capsule is that our DAAS license is for windows 95, so we had to salvage a windows 95 shitbox to do our floor FR tests. it's got an awful CPU and it hangs when you open the save dialogue(not permanently, but for like 15 seconds so it's a pain in the ass). the system is so old that it saves the charts in pcx. we can only afford the time loss of saving charts for matched pairs (even then, only maybe). eventually i will build a pc and install like, windows fundamentals for legacy pcs on it and migrate the installation over, if that's possible. if not i'll have to crawl ebay to build a faster rig out of real period parts but until then we can only do MP charts. ideally we'd migrate to arta or rew, but that's a big procedure change. at least this time i can verify we're actually doing it unlike with the factory. still pissed about that.