perhaps leakage in C19-c20 - the two 6u8 caps feeding the sidechain rectifier?
I mostly see this if the FD333 low-leakage diodes are not quite right, but I've also seen it on genuine/original rev F´s..
/Jakob E.
Thank you so much Jakob E.
It´s not 20 db or something but around a 3-5db drop on the GR meter. I am also wondering if it is inside
a "normal vintage" range because it´s not the end of the world. It doesn´t sound "wrong" and I don´t use these slower releases not that often and one can just increase the output level but it´s still strange.
I already replaced the 6u8 tantal caps during the build cause they were only 16v rated so the 30v ones used now are quite new.
The build here is based on the stereo 1176MS, Both channels show the same phenomena. I have another mono G1176 pcb based here, a very old build by me, which does not show this at all but I also remember another mono build from the past where it was also shown.
I´ve used FD300a diodes on both channels here now and already replaced these with 4148 for testing on one side but it shows the same behavior when turning the release pot. The multimeter and my china component tester shows no defekts so far with these diodes. I can try to order FDH333 and again new tantals and see what happens and will report.
This phenomena is often discribed here in the forum. Leakage is the obvious answer here but it turns out people have all kinds of traps here from caps in the input, around the pot, in the output section, sockets used etc...yeah really a rabbit hole.
It seems that with the 1176 its not often done with just buying new parts...there are always Diva-parts involved here