This post is exactly relevant to a GSSL I just finished building for a local mastering guy. Let me briefly explain:
On my first GSSL, I used DBX2151 VCAs in the sidechain and channels. I used generic (can't even remember the type) electrolytics and polyesters (MKT). On the GSSL I build for him, I used a DBX2151 in the sidechain and THAT 2180LBs in the channels. I also used Panasonic FC and Nichicon UPW electrolytics, and I used Panasonic B Series polyesters. All other components were the same.
Yesterday we spent some time A/Bing the two compressors, and I must say the later of the two sounds much more "hi-fi," just meaning that high end is much more extended. In a way, I'm glad that they have a slightly different flavor. The first one, though less "hi-fi", brings clarity to the midrange that the second one does not. But on the other hand, if I'm going for less midrange definition and extended top end, I know which one to grab.
Anyway, just thought I'd mention this and perhaps start some discussion. I'd contribute these sonic differences to the electrolytics and the polyester differences. I wouldn't suspect the the VCA, but possibly? Any comments?
Also, I should be building another GSSL (possibly 2) in the near future that have DBX202Cs in the channel VCAs...