Here's my calibration procedure per the SSL documents and Igor's schematic. Please feel free to correct anything I got wrong, because I am far from 100% sure I've done this correctly...
1. Set the compressor to the settings specified in the documents.
2. Send a +14 dB 1k sine wave (this is the first part I may have done wrong... I'm assuming this is in dBu, which according to my console manual is -4 dBFS. I set my DAW sine generator to -4 in this case to make the +14 dB).
3. Read the signal out with the unit in bypass. It was coming back into the daw at -4.3 dBFS.
4. Engage the compressor and use VR2 (Schematic and SSL docs refer to this as the 0dB preset) to change the output level to 4db below the level you get in bypass. For me, that meant I set it to -8.3 dBFS when reading the output in my DAW.
5. Turn your threshold control all the way down (-20) so that you're seeing the GR maxed out. Back your sine wave off until you see no compression. Clear your meter peak in your daw.
6. Raise the sine level until you see the first GR meter LED come on. Take a look at the peak reading in your DAW at this point. (Mine was -25.5 at this point).
7. The SSL Docs say that the level should stay fairly constant (within +/- 1 dB) as you raise the sine level from here (because your ratio is at infinity). Mine did not do this at first- Once my compressor started limiting at -25.5, the level made it up to like -23.9 or something like that. This is how you know you need further adjustment...
8. which case, the documents tell you to adjust the "gain preset" (I guess 'preset' means 'trimpot' in British... I speak American =P). The trimmer in this case is VR1... You'll adjust VR1 to correct this. Lower your sine level until there is no more Gain Reduction, then clear out your DAW peak meter again. Raise the sine until you see some GR, make note of the peak level at that point, then continue raising. If the output level doesn't go past 1dB, you've made the correct adjustment. If it got WORSE, you need to turn the trim pot the other direction =P
9. Once you've met the condition that the output stays within +/- 1dB of where it is when GR begins, your compressor is set! Change your ratio to the lowest setting (1:1)
10. Set the expander settings to those specified in the SSL docs.
11. Generate +14dB at 1K (once again, I'm calling this -4dBFS in my DAW... I may be completely wrong about this).
12. Adjust VR3 until the signal passes through the gate. (this was easy). Once this is done, put your range control to its minimum setting.
13. Sym Adjustment. I stumbled upon this by accident! The output, when viewed in the cubase channel settings, showed multiple harmonics of 1k (2k, 4k, etc). This is the distortion that the SYM trimmer is supposed to remove (I guess... tell me if I'm wrong!) I'm including an image of what it looks like before adjustment.
14. Adjust the SYM preset until those extra harmonics go away. If you go too far, they begin to creep back up. Find the happy medium.