dmnieto said:
On the collectivecases one the GR bypass is in the meter, so you need 3 positions in the meter switch and 5 positions (4,8,12,20,ALL) in the ratio one.
On the other case the GR bypass is actually in the ratio board (marked as position 1) so you are going to need a 3 pole 6 positions for the ratio and a 2 pole 2 positions for the meter
Okay I understand the visual differences on the Face Plate of the Two and how they would require different position amounts and where the change in positions between the two is due to bypass being on the ratio or meter switch - but is that not determined by the PCB / wiring rather? you say 3 Pole 6 positions but the board only fits 2 pole and 4 pole? - Is there a different way of wiring for different position amounts?
(4-pole - 2 pos (Meter) / 2pole- 6 pos. (Ratio) - [DIY Racked labeling])
(4 pol - 3 pos. (Meter) / 2pole - 5 pos (Ratio) - [Collective Cases labeling])
The latest and previous BOM on mnats page only calls for a 2 and 4 Pole Lorlin rotary switch - no positions mentioned
The original rev D BOM calls for a 4 Pole 3 Position / 2 Pole 6 Position - defined but ambiguous to the case labels.