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I'm not sure where to talk about title 42... it is surely political.

Honestly we are no longer in the same hazardous COVID Pandemic situation that caused us to adopt that rule. So it is not really justified for medical reasons.

BUT the elephant in the room overshadowing the decision is how many migrants are staged in mexico ready to rush the border the minute this is reversed.

We desperately need immigration reform but I don't see enough adults in the congress to see that happen anytime soon.

The enemy of democracy is authoritarian leaders invading sovereign countries.

Domestically mass media playing team politics is not constructive.

Of course opinions vary.

Fox seems to be doing OK with ratings, which suggests that more than just conservative/libertarians are watching them.

I read the WSJ for news and they are bad enough... (editorial page remains conservative/libertarian, while reportage has drifted center left like a lot of the country)

Fox seems to win viewership from both political parties because they clearly identify news people separately from their opinion talent, and at least make an effort to present views from both parties. Fox reports stories that many left leaning news organizations completely ignore/deny.

I don't watch OAN, Newsmax, or most Fox opinion shows, while I try to watch fox business news, for business news. I used to watch CNBC business news but they became too partisan for me to stomach a few years ago. Today's business news is about 8% inflation (and NYC subway). :cry:


PS: I routinely watch the Five, and Gutfeld as guilty pleasures (not for news or to be told what to think) while I wouldn't watch if I disagreed with them all of the time. They seem to be smart, informed observers of the current situation, with a sense of humor.
David Corn: “It’s damn hard to not see the $2 billion investment as either a payoff for past services rendered or a preemptive bribe should Trump manage to regain the White House. And it could be both.”

David Corn: “It’s a wonder that the disclosure of this deal hasn’t created more of a fuss and prompted congressional investigations. (Imagine what Republicans and Fox News would be doing if Hunter Biden received $2 billion from a Ukrainian government leader who was responsible for the gruesome murder of an American resident.)”

“A 10-figure payment to a relative of a former president who is essentially the current (though undeclared) GOP frontrunner in the 2024 contest and possibly the next inhabitant of the White House is a major scandal.”
David Corn: “It’s damn hard to not see the $2 billion investment as either a payoff for past services rendered or a preemptive bribe should Trump manage to regain the White House. And it could be both.”

David Corn: “It’s a wonder that the disclosure of this deal hasn’t created more of a fuss and prompted congressional investigations. (Imagine what Republicans and Fox News would be doing if Hunter Biden received $2 billion from a Ukrainian government leader who was responsible for the gruesome murder of an American resident.)”

“A 10-figure payment to a relative of a former president who is essentially the current (though undeclared) GOP frontrunner in the 2024 contest and possibly the next inhabitant of the White House is a major scandal.”
I didn't know that Kushner was "famously incompetent" that sounds more like a description of Hunter. I didn't follow Kushner's career closely but recall him working in the Trump organization successfully before Ex-President trump became a politician.

This "side hustle" was a business launched after leaving the white house.

For context on Biden family "Side Hustles", that occurred while President Biden was in office consider reading "Red Handed" by Peter Schweizer. Hint the Biden's family business was not real estate development, more like government influence pedaling.

If Kushner is doing something corrupt put him in the jail cell right next to Hunter. I don't trust Elizabeth Warren as being an objective observer.

Oh no, this just showcases again the incredible corruption around the Trump people. They are the same ones who made up the Hunter Biden stories so they do not look so bad in comparison.
Oh no, this just showcases again the incredible corruption around the Trump people. They are the same ones who made up the Hunter Biden stories so they do not look so bad in comparison.
read the book... even the Bidens do not deny Hunter's corrupt misbehavior... reality not conspiracy...

I called it conspiracy to make a political joke, but not funny.

Why should this guys opionion count for anything? Does founding a website make you an expert on political bias now?
It kind of does make him an expert about that particular website...

Allowing the rabble to make edits has pretty much destroyed the credibility of that website for fair and objective information. I used to refer to it for electronic stuff, and even donated a few dollars over the years after learning something useful from them there.

Now even the guy who created it is dismissing it.

Interesting times... Maybe Elon can buy it (joke).

So his opinion is less relevant than the random idiot who wrote the piece ON Wikipedia claiming the Biden corruption is conspiracy theory? Great logic.
It is not a random idiot but a crowd sourced, rules and sources based, self-correcting encyclopedia entry. A random idiot would get criticized, set straight, edited.

The Wikipedia is certainly not perfect, but I think the guy has a political agenda and doesn't like the facts that counter it.
It is not a random idiot but a crowd sourced, rules and sources based, self-correcting encyclopedia entry. A random idiot would get criticized, set straight, edited.
That was the theory and mostly how it operated for a time. But not any longer. Read Sanger's commentary with an open mind and consider the possibility that he is correct.

The Wikipedia is certainly not perfect, but I think the guy has a political agenda and doesn't like the facts that counter it.
So he founded an online encyclopedia that for many years was relatively neutral. Years later things change (radically) and he recognizes it and makes public statements to that effect. How is his alleged political agenda realized by anything he's done? Did he push a "right wing agenda" on Wikipedia in the early years? Or are you imagining things?
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