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Read Sanger's commentary with an open mind and consider the possibility that he is correct.
I'd rather read wikipedia with an open mind and consider whether he is correct. I have seen tinges of left-leaning bias, tinges of right-wing bias, tinges of nationalistic bias. There was probably more bias in the World Book that my family had when I was a kid. Complaints about supposed bias are simply an excuse for a blanket dismissal of all wikipedia content--or at least any content one might run counter to one's worldview.
We would all he healthy to understand and accept our own biases.

It was remarkable yesterday to hear ex-President Obama floating "dis-information" as a cause needing more government regulation to clean it up. I think we already see nations where the government controls social media and defines what is disinfo.

No thank you


PS:I heard one credible discussion about how to neutralize partisan bias in such content moderation. Create a super committee with ex-presidents Clinton, Obama, Bush, and Trump to vet information. Of course they wouldn't literally do it themselves, but their representatives would do the heavy lifting with them involved on the tough calls.
Speaking of politics: How about that lying liar Kevin McCarthy and that sleazy weasel Mitch McConnell? I'm kind of hoping we see a Republican-on-Republican bloodbath here--the overtly fascist Trump wing vs. the covertly fascist McConnell wing. Could be fun!
if wishes were fishes...
There are some signs--Bannon, whose loyalty to Trump was secured with a pardon, was attacking McCarthy. Matt Gaetz, Mr. Sex & Drugs himself, has attacked McCarthy. We'll see how things go.
We all have personal filters that we view the world through. These filters are based on our years (decades) of personal experience. Some filters are more accurate than others. It is healthy to review our filters for success at predicting outcomes. I have to adjust mine after almost every election. :unsure:

Filters tend to simplify everything down to binary difference terms good/bad (or for some virtuous/evil). Racial filters try to make everything white/black. Political filters divide along democratic/republican lines. Sexuality is all straight or gay, etc, etc, etc.

Seeing the world in hard binary terms prevents thoughtful exchange of ideas between groups and personal growth.

Ridiculous. When will liberals admit that this guy is completely out to lunch? Defending him is foolish.

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Ridiculous. When will liberals admit that this guy is completely out to lunch? Defending him is foolish.
I didn't watch the clip, there are several. It is uncomfortable to watch his decline play out in public. Being POTUS can be demanding and comparing old clips of him speaking from several years ago reveal that he has lost a step.

Another politician to worry about is 88YO CA senator Dianne Feinstein who is reportedly suffering mental decline and recently lost her husband to cancer.

I wish them both better health, getting old sucks.

clips of him speaking from several years ago reveal that he has lost a step.
I've said it before: I wouldn't disagree that he seems a bit slower. He's also facing perhaps the most difficult foreign policy challenge a US president has faced in decades (and handling it extremely well), as well as repairing all the damage Trump did to the federal govt. and dealing with a vaccine rollout that the former guy was incapable of creating a blueprint for.
I will take "low energy Joe" over Trump's adderal-rattled maunderings any day.
I've said it before: I wouldn't disagree that he seems a bit slower. He's also facing perhaps the most difficult foreign policy challenge a US president has faced in decades (and handling it extremely well), as well as repairing all the damage Trump did to the federal govt. and dealing with a vaccine rollout that the former guy was incapable of creating a blueprint for.
I will take "low energy Joe" over Trump's adderal-rattled maunderings any day.
It is remarkable how different our judgements are about these two presidents. I don't even understand your insults (adderal-rattled). A web search reveals that adderall is medicine for ADHD, that some adults abuse. This is apparently another inside the echo chamber liberal/progressive ad hominem.

If you are pleased with President Biden, congratulations you won and got him. We are only months away from the only poll that really counts. I voted against ex-President Trump in the primaries (yes he is a blowhard), but remain pleasantly surprised by his record of accomplishments while in the White House. He is clearly not a typical politician, more of a businessman who gets things accomplished.. President Biden is 100% politician for better/worse.
From where I sit it looks like President Biden has unwound pretty much everything good that ex-President Trump did that he was allowed to unwind and some he wasn't allowed to unwind, that the courts then reversed and restored.

I am willing to listen to a list of President Biden's achievements?

What matters is not what you or I think, but what the voting public thinks and there are multiple voter concerns; Afghanistan, inflation, gas prices, border security, rising crime rates, education, etc.

I don't think the public is willing to believe that all these problems are ex-President Trump's fault, or even Putin's fault. These are relatively easy objective metrics to compare and contrast. The partisan blame game is getting old.


PS; To check of another box making current events resemble a dystopian George Orwell novel... Nina Jankowicz was appointed by President Joe Biden to lead the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board.There is an amusing (embarrassing?) TikTok video of her singing. She has probably already tried to scrub some of her most offensive social media history.
That's your defense of Biden's senility? LMAO! 👌

...but ....... but ...... but Trump. 😭
The White House doctor gave him a clean bill of health. He said Biden is the fittest president in the history of the US! :D

Try as I might, I can't find criticism of Trump's slurred speech and stumbling of words here on GDiY by our right-leaning posters, but I must have missed it. #opinionsvary #personwomanmancameratv #bds.
The White House doctor gave him a clean bill of health. He said Biden is the fittest president in the history of the US! :D
(CNN)President Joe Biden underwent his annual physical Friday morning at Walter Reed Medical Center, his first such appointment since he was inaugurated as the oldest first-term president in US history.
Afterward, his physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor wrote in a memo Biden "remains fit for duty, and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations."
The doctor, who has been with the President since he served as vice president, singled out two areas of "observation" he set aside for detailed investigation: an "increasing frequency and severity of 'throat clearing' and coughing during speaking engagements" and the President's ambulatory gait, or walking abnormality, which O'Connor said was "perceptibly stiffer and less fluid than it was a year or so ago."
Both have been noticeable elements of Biden's public appearances since taking office.

In a detailed, six-page summary of Biden's health, O'Connor said X-rays showed Biden has arthritis of his spine and normal wear and tear damage for someone of his age.
The doctor characterized that damage as moderate to severe, but said it was not severe enough to warrant any specific treatment. He wrote it would help account for some of Biden's recent stiffness and clumsy gait. An "extremely detailed neurologic exam" was "reassuring," O'Connor wrote, and showed no evidence of a stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's.
Biden also has a condition known as hiatal hernia, which causes him to have reflux -- something O'Connor said could account for his more frequent throat clearing.
The document contained a detailed accounting of the physical exam, including his height of 5 feet 11.65 inches; his weight of 184 pounds; and his blood pressure of 120/70. Biden does not drink or use tobacco and works out five times a week, according to the report.
"President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 78-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the president, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief," O'Connor wrote in his summary.
Biden received a routine colonoscopy Friday while at Walter Reed. The process, which required anesthesia, meant that he temporarily transferred power to Vice President Kamala Harris, who became the first woman to assume presidential power for 85 minutes Friday morning.
As he left Walter Reed, Biden said he "had a great physical and a great House of Representatives vote," alluding to the House passing his Build Back Better bill on Friday morning.

Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Biden's primary care doctor since 2009 and the White House physician, wrote the three-page medical summary Biden's presidential campaign released nearly two years ago.
The 2019 summary showed Biden was being treated for non-valvular atrial fibrillation, or AFib -- an irregular heartbeat that O'Connor said Biden experiences no symptoms of. He was taking Crestor to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as Eliquis to prevent blood clots, Nexium for acid reflux, and Allegra and a nasal spray for seasonal allergies.

The most significant medical event in Biden's history, O'Connor wrote, was when Biden suffered a brain aneurysm in 1988. He was serving in the Senate at the time. During surgery, doctors found a second aneurysm that had not bled, which they also treated.
While in the hospital after that surgery, Biden suffered deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism. Doctors at the time inserted an "inferior vena cava filter," which would prevent future blood clots from reaching the heart and lungs and treated him with an oral anti-coagulant for several months.
Biden also had his gallbladder removed in 2003, and according to O'Connor he has had multiple surgeries and physical treatments for orthopedic injuries and sports medicine. Biden also has had several non-melanoma skin cancer lesions surgically removed.
I read the whole thing and didn't see "the fittest president in history" quote anywhere. Are you really sure about that? I suspect they are grading his health on a curve for his age... He's even older than me.

Searching the WWW for "fittest president" I found a Huff post article that cited a Gold's gym tournament(?) that claimed that ex-president George W Bush with his jogging and mountain biking, edged out ex-president Barrack Obama for fittest US president. While this is not a scientific study.

Your quote that President Biden is our fittest president is preposterous.

Try as I might, I can't find criticism of Trump's slurred speech and stumbling of words here on GDiY by our right-leaning posters, but I must have missed it. #opinionsvary #personwomanmancameratv #bds.
I just did a search for "Trumps slurred speech" and it only returned your post.

I will not defend Trumps bloviation but I seem to recall any number of imagined mental health problems. I seem to recall Speaker Pelosi citing the 25th amendment as a way to remove ex-President Trump.


PS: I do not follow ex-President Trump as closely as you but it appears he may be suffering some derangement himself over the last election that suffered from more than a little shenanigans. He needs to let that go and focus on future elections. I do understand why he is so angry, but that ship has sailed.
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