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The White House doctor gave him a clean bill of health. He said Biden is the fittest president in the history of the US! :D
Try as I might, I can't find criticism of Trump's slurred speech and stumbling of words here on GDiY by our right-leaning posters, but I must have missed it. #opinionsvary #personwomanmancameratv #bds.
I can criticize Trump for MANY things, his cognitive ability or even his ability to know where he is at any given moment are not on my list.
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A time bomb set up by Trump. Trump actually did a horrible job of handling the Taliban in the leadup to all this (isn't it interesting that he seems to have such a soft spot for despots?). Did Biden handle it perfectly? No.

inflation, gas prices,
These were both not exactly his doing. Certainly Putin's decisions have had a good bit to do with both.

rising crime rates,
Didn't all that start under Trump?

"the fittest president in history"
I can't speak with certainty for Matador, but I think he may have been referring to Trump's hyperbolic physical results. It's the sort of humor I don't expect you to appreciate.

last election that suffered from more than a little shenanigans.
You're obviously referring to Trump's/the GOP's shenanigans, right? They're extremely well documented at this point. However, if you look at, say, my state, the election results held up to extreme scrutiny. (Of course, said election was overseen by a Republican, whose thanks from the party faithful was harassment and death threats--not to mention Trump's own efforts to "influence" the results.)
A time bomb set up by Trump. Trump actually did a horrible job of handling the Taliban in the leadup to all this (isn't it interesting that he seems to have such a soft spot for despots?). Did Biden handle it perfectly? No.
Afghanistan was screwed up when ex-President Obama tried to do a surge like what worked in Iraq but with less troops and a poorer nation that could never afford to defend itself.

The Taliban were handled until President Biden withdrew and left them in charge. Es-president Trump negotiated an Afghanistan pullout that was conditional on the Taliban behaving and supporting the Kabul government. President Biden dropped all conditions and announced a fixed pullout date (probably hoping for a political photo op). Instead he got a cluster fsk when the Kabul government ran for the hills and Taliban took over.

Since president Biden pulled out, Afghanistan has gotten worse and we will hear from the terror organizations metastasizing there over time.
These were both not exactly his doing. Certainly Putin's decisions have had a good bit to do with both.
increased federal spending and shuttering the US energy industry are responsible. Pretty straightforward cause and effect.
Didn't all that start under Trump?
no... it is directly caused by liberal/progressive attorney generals releasing violent criminals over and over. We used to have a three strikes rule, now its intentional anarchy.
I can't speak with certainty for Matador, but I think he may have been referring to Trump's hyperbolic physical results. It's the sort of humor I don't expect you to appreciate.
if so not very funny, looking back I see an emoticon so perhaps I missed his joke.
You're obviously referring to Trump's/the GOP's shenanigans, right? They're extremely well documented at this point. However, if you look at, say, my state, the election results held up to extreme scrutiny. (Of course, said election was overseen by a Republican, whose thanks from the party faithful was harassment and death threats--not to mention Trump's own efforts to "influence" the results.)
if you believe that I have some swampland to sell you...

Afghanistan was screwed up when ex-President Obama
Afghanistan was screwed up by GW Bush. He had an opportunity to accept a Taliban surrender, but that likely would have messed up his plans for Iraq. No president handled Afghanistan particularly well--as a Dem I'm willing to admit that. Are you magnanimous enough to acknowledge that from your side? (Oh, and one of the big screwups Trump made was to realease vast quantities of Taliban leaders from prison, allowing them to rebuild and solidify their power base leading up to withdrawal. That move cost the US and Afghanistan bigly.)

no... it is directly caused by liberal/progressive attorney generals releasing violent criminals over and over.
Maybe it's directly caused by loose gun laws in Republican-controlled states. I'd be willing to spread a little blame to my side, but again, I doubt you'd see it that way.

increased federal spending and shuttering the US energy industry are responsible. Pretty straightforward cause and effect.
Straightforward within the confines of twisted Republican logic.

if so not very funny,
The entire Trump presidency was very funny, in a not very funny way. I'm sorry the humor is lost on you.
Afghanistan was screwed up by GW Bush. He had an opportunity to accept a Taliban surrender, but that likely would have messed up his plans for Iraq.
Afghanistan was screwed up by geography and history... a rest stop on the (dirt ) silk road. How far back do you want to go?
The Taliban were only in charge of some areas near pakistan border. War lords ruled the north, and a rudimentary Afghan government barely controlled Kabul.

After 9/11 a small force cleared out the al Qaeda training camps that were used by the (saudi?) Hijackers. We would have got OBL at the same time too but he escaped in the mountains near the Pakistan border (or was allowed to escape?).

The rest is bad history when politicians from both sides tried to nation build without a foundation.
No president handled Afghanistan particularly well--as a Dem I'm willing to admit that.
how do you think President Biden did?
Are you magnanimous enough to acknowledge that from your side? (Oh, and one of the big screwups Trump made was to realease vast quantities of Taliban leaders from prison, allowing them to rebuild and solidify their power base leading up to withdrawal. That move cost the US and Afghanistan bigly.)
I also recall a prisoner release involving some senior Taliban fighters who were traded for a deserter (sgt?) Bergdhal... we won't run out of whatabouts. I'm pretty sure President Biden is responsible for all the taliban and worse prisoners who were being held in Bagram air base who got set free when President Biden gave it up. We should probably still have that air base and a tiny military presence there.
Maybe it's directly caused by loose gun laws in Republican-controlled states. I'd be willing to spread a little blame to my side, but again, I doubt you'd see it that way.
guns don't kill people, bad people kill people. Catch and release prosecutors are directly responsible for allowing violent criminals to run wild on city streets.
Straightforward within the confines of twisted Republican logic.
Only one of us is correct
The entire Trump presidency was very funny, in a not very funny way. I'm sorry the humor is lost on you.
I actually thought ex-President Trump had a pretty good sense of humor, he was not above trolling your team.

Elon Musk is showing promise but he is too smart to get involved in holding high political office.

Well, JR, you answered the question I didn't ask--and exactly in the manner I expected. Congratulations on being so predictable.
I seem to recall posting a highlight reel of Trump losing his dentures way back when.
Probably, although my note was more about who let it slide. 😂

(And since I tagged you in the reply, are you ready to admit my theory is being proven true over and over again?). 🤷‍♂️
guns don't kill people, bad people kill people.
Yes. It's not the near absence of guns in England that makes their homicide rates lower than the USA's: it's that they're so much better people than we are.
Who's a real threat to election integrity? Oh, yeah, it's the crazy Trump supporters.

Eighteen months after Donald Trump lost the White House, loyal supporters continue to falsely assert that compromised balloting machines across America robbed him of the 2020 election.
To stand up that bogus claim, some Trump die-hards are taking the law into their own hands – by attempting, with some success, to compromise the voting systems themselves.

Trump allies breach U.S. voting systems in search of 'evidence'
Well, JR, you answered the question I didn't ask--and exactly in the manner I expected. Congratulations on being so predictable.
by now you should have my responses memorized and not need to keep trolling me. I hope you didn't hurt your back twisting my bad people kill logic into a pretzel.

Here's some bad gun ownership news... Novice gun owners either lacking training or just dim bulbs, have purchsed fire arms for personal protection in the wild wild (north) west. These dumbasses are leaving their guns in their cars where they get stolen and end up in "bad" people's hands, making the bad situation worse.


PS: Your logic is as flexible as Putin's mistress.
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These dumbasses are leaving their guns in their cars where they get stolen and end up in "bad" people's hands, making the bad situation worse.
Maybe you don't remember the discussion I started here about that regarding gun thefts in Atlanta. Yes, that's a bad thing--untrained doofuses with guns. Am I to assume you'd be in favor of mandatory training for firearms owners?
Also of note, and not in a good way, is that the increase in gun ownership has also led to more suicides. An interesting thing about suicide is that the vast majority of people who survive their first attempt do not try it again. Unfortunately, there are few more effective ways to commit suicide than with a handgun, so that means a lot of folks aren't going to get that second chance.
are you ready to admit my theory is being proven true
That's funny. Was starting to want to ask if the theory excluded the theorizer.

But to answer honestly, I don't know. I think exposition often precedes belief, a bit like how walking is a sort of controlled fall. Iron sharpens iron, and all that.
Perhaps the DGB (disinformation bureau) can opine on veracity of the SCOTUS leak...

This appears targeted to stir up the democratic base.


PS; This is political blather... ;)
Maybe you don't remember the discussion I started here about that regarding gun thefts in Atlanta. Yes, that's a bad thing--untrained doofuses with guns. Am I to assume you'd be in favor of mandatory training for firearms owners?
To be clear, the problem is the thieves, not the gun owners. I'll note that many guns stolen from cars are the result of a maze of local laws that prevent CWP holders from carrying in many places, so if they are out running errands or doing their daily business they must make a hard choice--go unprotected all day or leave the weapon in the car when going to places where they can't legally carry. If we'd prosecute actual gun crime there would be less gun theft and also fewer people feeling the need to protect themselves. But that's racist.

I don't speak for JR, but encourage anyone who buys a gun to get some training. I guess you're a big NRA supporter, hodad, since they, by far, provide the most training to US gun owners (including law enforcement officers). I would note that none of Bloomberg's "guns safety" organizations provide any training at all. Nor do the other big gun control groups (Brady, Giffords, etc.).

Also of note, and not in a good way, is that the increase in gun ownership has also led to more suicides. An interesting thing about suicide is that the vast majority of people who survive their first attempt do not try it again. Unfortunately, there are few more effective ways to commit suicide than with a handgun, so that means a lot of folks aren't going to get that second chance.

That is a diaper load and you know it. Guns don't cause suicide. A simple examination of world-wide suicide rates is educational:
I think you'd readily agree that the US has the highest gun ownership rate at 1:1 per-capita or even higher (and some 40-50% of households with guns). Yet we are not near the top of the list in suicide rate, not even among developed countries. Explain how South Korea, with pretty much zero private gun ownership can have a suicide rate nearly double ours if guns lead to suicide. Does Belgium have more guns per-capita than the US? Hungary? Croatia? And Japan has an only slightly lower suicide rate than the US with practically zero private ownership of guns.

Suicide in the US is driven by several factors, not the least of which is the large number of veterans with PTSD thanks to too may poorly conceived foreign entanglements. Economic despair as blue collar jobs have disappeared are another large factor. Increased drug use and dependency (thanks, in part, to our open southern border) factor in as well. And in the past couple of years, the combination of radical desocialization due to lock downs and mask mandates plus the loss of many thousands of small businesses are a big factor. Notably, suicides are up significantly among younger Americans the past two years.

Guns may be the most common way out here in the USA, but they aren't the cause. We aren't doing much to address the actual causes, sadly.

Some numbers: There are an estimated 400M guns in private hands in the USA (there are no hard numbers available, but gun ownership rates have increased significantly since ~2012) and there were ~30,000 suicides by firearm last year. That means one out of every ~13,000 owned firearms was used in a suicide. Assuming 50% of people live in a household where at least one gun is present (commonly used estimate), that would result in 165M / 30,000 which is one in 5500 "available guns" being used in a suicide. Guns aren't the cause.
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I apologize. I thought about moving over to this thread, but I did not do so. (Of late, this thread is a little less polluted and irrational than the covid thread anyway.:cool:)

We'll probably never know who leaked, but there are potential benefits for both sides, I'd say. Interesting but not necessarily indicative of anything that it was leaked to Politico, a right-leaning (but not pro-Trump) news outlet. But Trump didn't build this court (much as he might have wished to think otherwise)--he was simply a tool to bring decades of hard work to fruition.
It was always the explicit goal of the self-proclaimed "originalists" and "umpires" to make abortion illegal in the US. Does anyone belive that this Supreme Court, with judges appointed by an illegitimate President (Bush) and another who came into office by foreign interference (Trump) and with the legitimate President (Obama) being denied the consitutional right to appoint his final judge, would decide any other way?

The American Taliban have won - for now. But - oh the backlash down the road to this right wing overrach will be something for the history books. The overwhelming majority of US citizens does not want to live in the Dark Ages.
It was always the explicit goal of the self-proclaimed "originalists" and "umpires" to make abortion illegal in the US.
The legality must be addressed by the Legislature, not the Judiciary as it has no clear Constitutional backing. If it isn't covered by Federal law, it is left to the states or the people to decide. That is the correct Constitutional view. Stop pushing bogus boogeyman theories about a government you don't understand.

Does anyone belive that this Supreme Court, with judges appointed by an illegitimate President (Bush) and another who came into office by foreign interference (Trump) and with the legitimate President (Obama) being denied the consitutional right to appoint his final judge, would decide any other way?
Biased much? Doesn't Germany have some big problems of its own to address?

The American Taliban have won - for now. But - oh the backlash down the road to this right wing overrach will be something for the history books. The overwhelming majority of US citizens does not want to live in the Dark Ages.
The unprecedented upward shift of wealth during the pandemic, enabled by Democrat governors, tech oligarchs, and unelected bureaucrats, is the kind of thing that leads to Feudalism and the new Dark Ages. Your vision needs some correction in my opinion.
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