I think i readed more than 3 times all the post in diferent days. I must do that project soon, it's really a nice project and top on my list too
Also great pictures and samples
Yeah I'm almost completely finished sourcing parts. Mouser has about 95% of the parts. Some of the other harder parts I got from ebay. After completion of this build I'll go ahead and post a US "updated BOM list".
Does someone know what PE (power earth?) at the power supply connectors is supposed to be connected to? It seems to just be passed through on the main pcb and goes to a different gnd plane on the bypass board - if I got it right. I don't have Festers psu board, so I can't check with it.
Thanks Mark, that's good to know. The black boards are hard to trace... There was in fact a little psu board offered later, but I don't have that either. I only have the schematic (317 / 337 basics) and the pcb top view. The PE seems to be going to mains earth only, connecting to the screen of the XLR in / out leads on the bypass board. I just don't see the point in doing that, I wish I'd get the idea why Fester did it like that.
I'm using modified vintage 1000mA meter, I take out the series resistor inside and adding small resistor in parallel. Now it's bounce properly. You can mod your meter Mark.
I'm gathering parts for this and couldn't find what diodes for the psu pcb. There's no markings on the pcb or in the bom. There are 4 big ones and 4 smaller ones. Should 1N5401 and 1N4001 work? I'm just a newbie so I'm not sure what diodes are fit for this ^^;