Thanks and yes it is! Another pic of the innards where it will sit is attached.
My proto is a little different - having 3 band eq which sit in a feedback loop of the 6as6 tube fed by a traffo (a cheaper 600:600 which will get a little fur being driven with quite high level, by the output of the orange86 pre module)
After the eq are some controls (hopefully!) driving the 6as6 tube's triode/pentode mode, cathode bias voltage, additional control voltage and output level to another AU7 driver stage and edcor 15K:600 output traffo.
Finally that's connected to the poorman 660 with edcors and on to the outside world ???
The orange86 input module has switchable HiZ DI, line and mic inputs with utc 08 and a haufe as well. The eq and limiter each have relay bypassing.
The Analag/Silent Arts PSU with Edcor traffo powers up the whole thing perfectly (this is one of my fav all purpose tube box PSUs) with a pair of seperate regulated +HV rails with quite healthy currents!, +/- LV rails good for up to 500mA or so each and a high current dc filtered unregulated heater supply.
The Orange 86 has it's own regulated HV which also is available to the 'eq+drive' proto as well.
I'm tweaking the PSU to give variable HVs, which can also used for the 6as6 screen and plate supplies. The bipolar supply ( among other things) is set to a voltage divider with pot to give a variable CV from -10V to +10V dc at very low current.
Also have a pot as the 6as6 kathode resistance, with a wired in/out bypass cap.
First off, the EQ consumes a lot of the 6as6 gain as makeup, so I don't get any really crazy gains over that pentode (so far). I haven't really achieved very high gains yet, still learning about them.
I've been testing such that I can easily remove the eq feedback around the pentode and see the effect it has.
So, first issue is my eq curves are little weird and second issue is the pentode stage gain is not high enough yet.
I have found so far (as expected!), the screen voltage makes a lot of difference to the pentode setup, as does the cathode bias as well as the input signal voltage and the plate resistor value.
So - all quite standard and yet with issues there.
The triode/pentode mode doesn't do so much yet, but I haven't really found good bias settings yet
so hard to tell while already playing with plate and screen volts etc.
So far, CV -10V to -4V causes no output, CV > -4V thru 0V and to + 4 and beyond volts increases amplitude to a point then no further effect
I seem to end up with around 2.7V on the kathode, +2.5V on the CV, with plate and screens around 120V.
So - quite early on in the fun there - together with playing around with EQ makes for a very interesting and challenging circuit. I may well change it a great deal. I've been subbing the 6as6 with another ef86 just to get a handle on the whole thing!
Not much help as yet on how this pentode works much less sounds! Without even thinking yet of some of the neat twists that Bernbrue is doing 8) 8)
But I'm working on it
Will post on my progress.
This guy is my current focus while I do the metal work for some other stuff.
One thing I will say - the orange 86 is very nice and the poorman works very well with it.
If I can get this 'eq + drive' module going, it will be another fine addition to my line up of crazy, modular

channel strips. Funnily enough, I end up using these ones the most.