Well, building a pair of 1272 or whatever
and selling them to "friend" will cover
all expencies for this project. :grin:
I dunno...seems all this place is blablabla around stuff like
how OEP's are good, but not DIY forum...
more forum about talkig about how
we cool while we talking about DIY
but I wanna see WORKING UNITS in good hands
and selling them to "friend" will cover
all expencies for this project. :grin:
:shock: :shock: :shock:Igor ... tell us what you really think ...
I dunno...seems all this place is blablabla around stuff like
how OEP's are good, but not DIY forum...
more forum about talkig about how
we cool while we talking about DIY
but I wanna see WORKING UNITS in good hands