My experience with toroids (at least the ones used by Focusrite, Klark Teknik and Neve) is that they don't overload nicely. When the iron reaches saturation, they behave almost like a short-circuit to the drive stage, clipping off transients. That's why they ended up using larger than needed cores, which counteracted the expected size and weight saving. In the end, they are more expensive than EI or C-core, and the only real benefit is better magnetic field rejection. Add to that the fact that sandwiched construction is more difficult thus costly on toroids.
I have made some experiments on using power trannies for audio and found them very disappointing. If you measure them with a very low source impedance, they seem to be ok, but once you start using real world source impedance, like 200 ohm microphones, you'll find distortion climbing to heights and HF dropping like crazy.