This is the state of the circuit now, with a line amp and some of the routing.
I won't be recreating a VE12 because of it's very low output (and associated needed extra stages and thus valves), the IPT's I have access to, and last but not least the cost of ECC83's (and most double triodes) compared to pentodes (I thought for a split second of using EF9x's, maybe triode connected, but I don't have the space and I may or may not run into problems concerning heater current) - except for if there are workarounds for all of the above.
There are inserts before and after the fader, mainly to be able to use each channel as an independent preamp, with or without a master volume, or if I'll ever find a party of fancy EAB/Telefunken/... faders, that I can leave the rotary fader out (then the faders will sit fixed in a desk, and the console itself could come out of it easily to record on location, for exemple).
Why? I don't really know yet, but it seemed handy so I might as well do that. (I fear that that's one of my main philosophies...)
The third bus switch is for the monitor section, which will consist mainly of a transistorised headphone amp.
The ECC81/double EC92's (well, any triode will do, I think) buffer send and return, but I won't implement those immediately.
And below is the line amp, for the two stereo buses (so I will eventually have four of those). The transformer is a 10k:150 1/2W Edcor. PL95 triode connected, fed by an EF80 (or if needed, something higher gain, I can't tell yet).
There are also 2 stereo line inputs as an add-on, switchable between off/bus 1/bus 2, as simple as it's drawn there. If switched out, should the pot get replaced with a 100k resistor?
I hope this is all a viable design, with the limiting factors I have. If not, don't hesitate to correct!