> as you increase the flow of current through the tube the higher the input resistance becomes thus a better match is made between the grid and the capsule.
I don't believe that is true. Certainly the capacitance (which directly loads the capacitor capsule) will not change in any large way with change of tube current. "Input resistance" covers many things, but in this application we are mainly concerned with grid current and its shot noise. I believe grid current generally reduces with tube current; electrometer inputs run very low cathode current. Or this may really be a function of grid voltage: large negative grid voltage repels electrons and reduces grid current (and also cathode current).
Grid current shot noise sets the optimum grid resistor value. If there were no grid current, bigger would be better, because the fixed capacitance of the capsule "shorts out" resistor thermal noise better. With small-area FETs, "grid" resistors in the GigaOhm range give lowest noise. With most tubes, even low-grid-current types, the grid current shot noise times the grid resistor leads to large noise voltages with large resistors. There is no "optimum" because the spectral shape of the noise sources are different, but values like 100Meg-300Meg are typically "good".
We don't want to "match", we want to "unload". This criteria is not really a problem: 100Megs gives "no-load" and flat bass response with typical capsules.
The amp in a typical mike is "about" unity-gain. Sand-state AKG 414 is just a couple buffers and 1:1 iron.
There have been tube mikes made this way. But a plate-loaded triode has higher power gain than a cathode follower. Usually we work grounded-cathode, take a gain of 5-10 in the tube, a step-down of 5 or 10 in a transformer. If the tube's plate resistance is OTOO 10K, this gives a suitable impedance for mike-line.