Tube Mic Design Idea

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What if I used a sand-state output buffer like the SSM2142,2895,SSM2142%255F0,00.html which to me is nice sounding chip. Can anybody post a link to some of these capsule like the 797 or so. Here is one a little expensive for my taste

A serious possible problem with 2142's (specially in an application like this!) is that they have a nasty habit of dying on you whenever they see even a short spike of phantom power.. And even though this should be fixable with diode/resistor protection schemes, this interfers significantly with the chip's otherwise nice behaviour..

I never really got along well with those :?

Is there a schematic?

Jakob E.
Jakob, it's the typical U47 front end going to a grounded cathode, cathode follower combination. Really simple, but amazing clarity and speed. I have some pre's that are built just for tube mics, no phantom power circuitry. Is there a difference in bet your a**

Did I miss the schematic ??

I like the 2142's
but no else seems too ...

and it's brothers the 2141 and 2143 (I use the 43)

what was I saying

oh !!! schematic
Why don't you guys post some schematics, I've posted a few already.
Read the metas lots of good stuff in there. There are schematics, look.