Two quick questions:

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mattamatta said:
You don't really disagree as much as I think you've each mistakenly come to believe.  Try to get back to the middle.

We know where we stand, but I believe the foundation for the liberal point of view is empathy. Condemning any group of people to be bad people seems to go against the grain with some of us.
bluebird said:
=Ugg, Your standing behind a belief  system (racial/cultural equality) like its the word of God.

So you hold it to be an open question whether or not there is such a thing as racial equality (inherently) or should be racial equality (socially)? Because if you don't, then you like I have an opinion on the matter and there doesn't seem to be any difference between us as far as that's concerned.

bluebird said:
You are fighting evil because God is on your side and you know it to be true.

Would you numbnuts stop dragging god into this already!? It's like it's pathological with Americans to bring up god all the time.
bluebird said:
We know where we stand, but I believe the foundation for the liberal point of view is empathy. Condemning any group of people to be bad people seems to go against the grain with some of us.

If not condemning Nazis because it's bad to condemn a group of people is what it is to be liberal or empathetic, then I have no problem not being either.
mattiasNYC said:
Would you numbnuts stop dragging god into this already!?

LOL, alright. I'll re answer your original question...

mattiasNYC said:
1. Do you think there were "very nice people" in that crowd of white supremacists chanting "Jews Will Not Replace Us"?


But I have to add, although I am not a racists or anti semite, I myself am not a very nice person... So my answer is only an opinion and not a fact. [edit] Better said, my answer is pretty meaningless. [edit again] My answer has no credibility.

Does that work for you??
bluebird said:
LOL, alright. I'll re answer your original question...


But I have to add, although I am not a racists or anti semite, I myself am not a very nice person... So my answer is only an opinion and not a fact. [edit] Better said, my answer is pretty meaningless. [edit again] My answer has no credibility.

Does that work for you??

Well, but I think we're delving needlessly deep into philosophy here. Fine, your answer is your opinion and not a fact, but I just feel we're getting so meta-physical that obviously nobody can give a factual answer, so what's the point of talking about it at all then... Know what I mean? We can have a discussion about the implications of ideologies and of supporting said ideologies, and we can have a discussion about whether or not there is such a thing as good and bad people, and if so how we get to that point. I would never take your opinion on something like this as an absolute fact, but that doesn't mean that your opinion isn't valuable.

You've stated your opinion, but you've also talked about how you feel about this, so why wouldn't you be credible? We're talking about your opinion.

Now, granted, I made a larger point that these people are bad in a more "absolute" sense, but I just find that if we're dismissing that possibility then we're really heading towards a logical conclusion that bad people simply don't exist. Just bad actions. Heck, I'd even argue at that point that maybe that too is debatable. So I'm basically saying (and I know I'm repeating myself, which is ok since it apparently annoys John ;-) that there is a sliding scale of good/bad, and that I actually think I'm very tolerant and "liberal" in how I view other people's opinions and actions.... with some exceptions, this being one of them. So even though you now say you're not a very nice person I'm not entirely sure I would agree with that. Perhaps you have a tendency to use crude language, or engage in testy verbal exchanges. Ok, so maybe that doesn't count as "nice" to many people, but relatively speaking that's a very mild negative trait (assuming it's true). 
mattiasNYC said:
Well, but I think we're delving needlessly deep into philosophy here.

I guess that's what I'm drawn to  in these conversations (philosophy) because to look at the world in a completely practical way, is depressing. There is a time for reacting to a situation logically and quickly based on the your immediate observations, and there is a time for reflection in order to gain a deeper understanding of the situation.  Race relations in America is an extremely important issue. Time should be taken to deal with it in a thoughtful intelligent way. Not in a reactionary way.

I'm glad we are having this conversation. Some people think it is too adversarial, I don't.  We're just hammering it out...

mattiasNYC said:
So even though you now say you're not a very nice person I'm not entirely sure I would agree with that.

Thanks man, I think your a nice person too.

JohnRoberts said:
Not implying anything, but dismissing the arguments that all white people are racist.  I said what I said clearly enough, but to amplify, if the white population voted based on race alone, President Obama would not have been elected.

No such arguments were made. Nobody claimed  'all white people are racist'. So another fallacy from you, strawman.

A straw man is a logical fallacy which occurs when a debater intentionally misrepresents their opponent's argument as a weaker version, and rebuts said version — rather than their opponent's genuine argument. Intentional strawmanning is usually done with a certain goal in mind, including:

Avoiding real debate against an opponent's real argument, because the misrepresenter risks losing in fair debate

Making the opponent's position appear ridiculous as a way of poisoning the well
Oh, hey, wasn't that JR and Dave crying about this guy's free speech rights when he got his nazi ass shut down by a bunch of antifa at berkeley a while back? I distinctly remember Dave claiming the 'real' antifa were the ones who fought nazis in the 40's, not these modern day poseurs.

Maybe rethink that, guys.  ;D


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The Ku Klux Klan hopes to recruit future white supremacists at high school football games.

The racist group distributed propaganda fliers at a Friday night football game at Gray’s Creek High School in North Carolina. The fliers showcased racist comments about Jews, Mexicans and Muslims written atop the Confederate flag, also attacking Black Lives Matter, recent NFL take-a-knee protests and black culture.

The fliers were left on cars during the October 6 game and criticized any removal of Confederate flags and Confederate monuments as a sign that people do not "respect the white majority of America," providing evidence that the historic Confederate symbols fuel white supremacy.


KKK fliers are reportedly being distributed in residential neighborhoods in Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky and Florida. KKK fliers distributed in Jacksonville, Florida on October 9 threatened African Americans who are "making eyes" at white women, reported an ABC affiliate. The KKK papers included death threats to black Americans and Jews. A criminal investigation is ongoing.

The increased visibility of the KKK follows a public march of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, which led to clashes and, eventually, the murder of counterprotester Heather Heyer. President Donald Trump was criticized for his delayed response in condemning white supremacist hate groups.
scott2000 said:
Sometimes these links are like driving by a bad accident on the highway. There are police around to move things along sometimes. But I still manage to take a regretful peek now and again.  :-\

I once fell victim to these links too. Then I realized that a link without any user commentary is pointless to respond to.

Dont fall victim to link-itis. Its a deadly brain disease.  ;D

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