Two wire surge suppression?

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2005
Keystone, Colorado
At our church we put in some lcd tvs. They are driven with cat6 cables using hdmi to cat6  and cat6 to hdmi converter boxes.
These converter boxes are powered with a small two wire external wall wart. One of the two tvs has it's signal interrupted at seemingly random times but the drive comes back as soon as it is gone. The cat6 to hdmi receiver is located in an attic on the other side of the wall where the tv is mounted . In the attic is no other power to power the converter box except for a light socket. In a pinch we used a socket converter to get two wire AC for the wall wart transformer. 

I have reason to believe that surges and noise are quick resetting the receiver. Is it possible to filter two wire AC that has no third wire ground? I would prefer a commercial device that I can just buy but google is awash with 3 wire conditioners.

The other tv's receiver box which never has it's signal interrupted is plugged into a 3wire power conditioner btw.


I kinda doubt it is a 2-wire problem. I wonder if the gizmo or the screen is just burpy. But why doubt? Drop a 3-wire extension cord down from the attic, power it that way, just to see if that's better or not.
While it may be an AC power problem,  I doubt that it's a power surge at the wall-wart and it's surely not a 2 wire / 3 wire problem.
What does "but the drive comes back as soon as it is gone." refer to?
It may be an AC power dip at the wall-wart outlet.
HDMI is really wiggy.  How long is your C6 run?  In my experience, the cheaper balun units use only a single CAT run and higher quality use two.  I have had poor experience with the major manufacturers, and now use mid-shelf 2 CAT balun systems.

If one is working solidly, I would look at what is different there.  Are the CAT runs the same length?  If not you can try an additional amp at the destination.  Is one run wrapped around fluro or mercury lighting?  You can swap wallwarts and baluns to verify the equipment.  Any slight deviation from equipment spec will cause hiccups.  I always want to go HDMI in builds, and have to work hard on final stability, but fellow video techs who need absolutely stable video still "settle" for analog consumer component video for runs.
I worked on a four-monitor install a few months back with active HDMI extenders over single Cat 6 runs to each monitor. The signal to the one at the end of the longest of the four pulls kept dropping out and coming back. The Atlona HD4 receiver box has an EQ adjustment, and tweaking that was all it took to get a consistently solid image.