u273 Diode Question

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Aug 28, 2004
Hi folks,

I open the hood off my U273 and I wanted to tweak it up a bit. Add some extra controls and put it into a DIY rack. Could anybody explain me how the Diode compression work or where can I find some literature about this baby in english ? I have all the documents from Kubarth but their in German and both the language and the engineering level are a bit high for me...

Thanx !

Those things don't have the best rep in town, so you might be hard pressed to find anyone with any major experience in that area.
I mean if Olliver at Tab?Funkenwerk thinks it's a boat anchor, thant's good enough for me. Maybe sell it and build an LA2a?
Sorry to be so brash, heck I have not even heard one myself.
Good Luck.

I'm putting together some stuff on diode limiters that I've been working on since playing with a PKV and studying Neve 33609 and U273 schems. Just a bit of info from experimenting etc.

I'll try and put it up soon.

My life has become a blur at the moment!!

:shock: :green: :? :thumb:

Ok Mark Thank you ! Could you post it to this topic also ? Cause I´m watching his thread...

I´ll try to change the compressor from feedback-based to foward-feed and see how it behaves. If I really don't like the sound then I'll build a pair of 1176 !

Thanx !

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