Update from Tim Campbell regarding his recent lapse in email responses.
Our little venture here has increased sales volume much more than expected. Keep in mind, until now, Tim's normal production volume was ~20 units per month on these hand-made capsules. Quality from the 3 samples that I have seen has never waivered. Capsule reservations from this project alone are at about 30 units per month. Also keep in mind Tim has "regular" customers from other avenues as well as commercial customers. So, everyone should stop buying those mics that he OEM's capsules for

. . I kid, I kid. Those are some pretty amazing commercially available mics that use his capsules.
So, due to the recent surge in demand, Tim has not been able to accurately gauge his lead times like he used to. He is taking steps to streamline his workflow and add equipment (Additional CNC machine and find additional staff) to his operation, but this sort of ramp-up takes time.
Adding to the mess is the fact that in Denmark, it is getting very near tax time and he is planning a vacation with his family about 6 weeks from now.
Tim has assured me that he will catch up to email requests shortly and get everyone in the queue in the order of inquiry, but the unfortunate thing is capsule orders placed at this time may likely not be fulfilled until September. He has never had to extend his lead times past 10 weeks before now.
Tim and I both are feeling the effects of increased demand on this project. I too am currently running a solid 11 days behind in shipping orders out and it has been as bad as 16 days this month. . . because you guys cleaned me out on my first batch of electronic parts kits and I'm just this evening finishing sorting and bagging the 2nd batch.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it previously, but HT-11A bodies have been delayed 1 month also due to one of Alctron's suppliers messing up a part that has to be re-made. We are looking at July now for these bodies to come back in stock. But, I doubled up my quantities, so hopefully, these will stay in stock longer this time around. It's worth mentioning again the new shipment of microphones will include the custom headbasket (your choice of mesh configuration) as standard. They will not come with the original Alctron-type headbaskets since most people myself included cannibalize them and will likely not use them once the custom ones arrive.