Hi, thanks for clarifying some of these points, really appreciate the insights here.
abbey road d enfer said:
quantyk said:
Could one consider the stacked xfmr secondaries as AC voltage sources?
Yes. With a source impedance.
How would voltage division apply here?
Since they are in series, voltages add, impedances too. If one of the sources is V and Z, the combined 4 sources equivalent source will be 4V and 4Z.
If I calculate the equivalent Z value for the parallel combination of the secondary and the Zobel, I get about 1846 ohms, and 4 of these in series adds to 7385.
Wrong. The Zobel is there to compensate for the increase of impedance due to the leakage inductance (which appears in series with the reflected impedance. The impedance reflected at the secondary depends on the impedance of the source that is connected to it. Are you sure that the DCR is 1000r? Seems rather high to me... Remember that the primary's DCR appears also in the reflected output, so basically for a 1:1 xfmr, the reflected impedance is equal to Zsource + primary DCR + secondary DCR.
OK: the LL1531 (http://www.lundahl.se/pdfs/datash/1531_32.pdf) has 2 primaries with "static resistance" of 500 ohms each, which I interpret as DCR. Connecting the primaries in series, as recommended would give a primary DCR of 1000r.
The secondary DCR is given as 1.3k, so w/o Zobel termination, the reflected impedance, assuming that the DA output/line source is 100r, would be 2.4k (1k+1.3k+100r).
So 4 of these in series would be 9.6k; yes?
For the overall bus Z, I would also have to account for the reflected Z of the bus xfmr, and probably in series with others, right?
holding that thought...
If the input xfrms need to see a 8k load on the secondary, could I connect a 50k resistor in parallel/shunt to bring the bus resistance to 8K?
Then, would placing a single 1.2nF capacitor in series with this loop meet the capacitance requirements for loading each xfmr? (8k in series with 1.2 nF)
Trying to work out how to connect the Zobels in series,Forget about them for now.
OK, Just hoping to get a decent frequency response from the input xfmrs...
and trying to understand approaches to controlling crosstalk between channels on the same bus; this goes back to my original query of how the xfrmr termination and the mix bus interact. Since this design uses series xfrms rather than parallel resistors, would the same techniques apply (using resistors to control crosstalk).
This depends very much on the load that is applied to the strings of secondaries. If the load was infinite, there would be no current in the string, so no transfer of energy from one xfmr to the other so no x-talk. If the load was zero, as in a curent-to-voltage converter, current would be maximum and transfer would be 1:4 => -12dB. In your case that would depend on what's connected at the secondary of the "bus" xfmr.
hmmm...aren't xfmrs like current-to voltage converters in a way? anyway...
The bus xfmr will be connected to the inverting/non-inverting inputs of a discrete differential amp (neve 10852) for each bus and I'm wondering how to work out what impedance that amp would prefer to see, and what it would look like as a load.
The amp card was designed as a high level output stage, so perhaps by reviewing the console specs I could find the impedance of the mix bus and infer from there?
mylesgm said:
If it's OK with an source (from the bus) impedance of 8-10k, then should be fine, yes? This would be like a matching impedance linkage.
The bus xfmr is a 600r center-tapped deal with 2 coils on each primary/secondary at 150r, which can be wired in parallel for 150r, or in series for 600r
If the amp stage is OK with an source (from the bus) impedance of 8-10k, then should be fine, yes? This would be like a 'matching' impedance linkage If it prefers a lower impedance.
However, John's point on the high voltage is well taken, and perhaps I can use the mix bus xfmr to step the voltage down by wiring the primaries in series and the secondaries in parallel, which I think would give a 2:1 ratio, if the impedance ratio (600 pri, 150 sec) is 4:1, then the turns/voltage ratio should be 2:1
Assuming a mix bus/primary load of 8k, this would reflect about 2k to the secondary, right? with the DCRs (150 + 150), that would be 2.3k reflected at the bus xfmr secondary...
And the 4V voltage would be stepped down to 2V, which should be OK for the amplifier, yes? (V as input Value, not actual volts) roughly if each input is at +4 dbu, this would be about 1.22 volts rms, which added in series would be just about 5 volts... i think. so if the step-down is appropriate, then the bus input to the amp would be 2.5v
Or, would I use attenuators , like L pads, to isolate the 2ndaries from each other?
You could but every dB you'll gain in x-talk will be a dB lost in the signal transfer, so you'll have to increase the gain of the make-up amp. Use very high load impedance for zero current.Seems that I want each xfrmr to contribute signal only to the bus and not to each other. But you are confronted to the laws of physics. One can only wish for a compromise in this fight. That's the reality of "passive".
You don't need the "bus" output xfmr; it's redundant. You may use an unbalanced high-Z make-up amp there for no-current in the string. Then it's becoming active...Aarrgh.[/quote]
This is intended as a hybrid design, there is definitely active amplification of the summed signals, but passive combining...I was hoping to avoid using active elements before the mix bus.
BTW, what's the problem with vertical x-talk, since each signal coming into the box seems to be used for that and only that?
Hmmm...I guess the concern is whether input signal from ch1 would affect the primary loading & signal transfer from the other channels, as PRR seemed to imply (or as i misunderstood). The point is to mix these signals, after all. It seems unlikely that the signals on the bus would counteract the xfmr action/input on each channel, to the point where it would cause any relevant problems. could the induced voltages from the other secondaries on the bus interfere? It seems that they are additive in this case, yes?
Relevant problems would involve imaging, phasing, frequency response, the little things in life...
And it also seems that a bit of crosstalk is part of the 'analog mojo' factor; I'm reminded of the airwindows plug-in designer who emulates the variable input impedance & crosstalk anomalies of analog consoles...