Virtual PC and audio/electronics apps...

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2004
Hey guys,

I know it's a long shot, but is anyone here using Virtual PC with any kind of electronic simulation, CAD, audio, etc. software? I checked out that "audiotester" app that Ron used to sweep his LA2a and was blown away! (thanks for pointing me to it, btw) I also want to be able to run TubeCAD and maybe some other small things. Is Virtual PC OK for these sorts of things, or do I need to get a real Windoze box?

Any comments, good or bad about Virtual PC in general are also welcome... Thanks y'all!


PS: I don't know whether to post this at The Lab or The Brewery. Hope it's OK to post it here where more people will read it!
I´m running VPC on my mac to make panels with frontpaneldesigner and to check gerberfiles created with osmondpcb with a viewer. my mac is kinda slow (G3/400) but works ok for those appz.

how much does VPC cost?

I was a hardcore mac user throughout the 90's... still am (when it comes to protools) started migrating towards the pc around 1999... for everythign else...

reason im asking about the price is I remember VPC used to be $2 or $300.. which for that price a PC that is capable of much more can be had...

as a matter of fact theres this small dell refurb place in austin that I visited that had 1Ghz-2Ghz machines for as little as $75

kinda hard to beat now days...
[quote author="Scenaria"]how much does VPC cost?

1Ghz-2Ghz machines for as little as $75[/quote]

Yeah, I thought of that... but I don't have the desktop real estate for another computer in my studio, and a PC to ADC KVM swith "cost ya 'round two-fi'ty"!!! :shock:

So then I thought of a laptop, but while searching for a cheap one I found this "great" deal on Virtual PC with Windows 98SE for $50 bucks... Long story short, I'm typing this on Internet Explorer (which I hadn't used in ages) from my Windows 98SE Virtual PC machine :green:

[quote author="Steffen"]I´m running VPC
my mac is kinda slow (G3/400) but works ok[/quote]

Good to know, Steff. Thanks!

Frontenplattendesignienbunchnensten was actually another reason why I wanted a PC :green:

I'm running Virtual PC 6.1 on a 533DP G4. Just installed it about an hour ago, but so far so good. It's not as slow as 6.0 (which I had to install first and then update).

I got TubeCAD coming in tonight... I'll let you all know what happens.

Success! Tube CAD works!

If you ever want to run TubeCAD under Virtual PC, remember to define a printer under windoze, or it will give you an exception error and crash.

Love Tube CAD, BTW!!!

ah...and don´t forget to install these appz:

they also work fine under VPC...TSC at least...nice toy :)