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Jun 3, 2004
We've had a day to vent frustrations, now let's get back on track as one of the very few communities of generous people that respect eachother. Of course disagreements will arise, but let's deal with them and move on.
No more pointless discussion, let's spend that energy doing something more productive. No reponse to this thread necessary, let's just do it.

I've consulted with a discussion expert Alicebot.org:

Human: We've had a day to vent frustrations, now let's get back on track as one of the very few communities of generous people that respect eachother.
ALICE: What happened to it?
Human: Of course disagreements will arise, but let's deal with them and move on.
ALICE: Wow! A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Human: No more pointless discussion, let's spend that energy doing something more productive.
ALICE: Are you serious? You want more?
Human: No reponse to this thread necessary, let's just do it.
ALICE: Are you serious?"it" being disagreements will arise but let us deal with them and move on?

Human: it has come to my attention that alot of new faces around here have been causing alot of trouble to our group.
ALICE: Has it really?
Human: i believe that registration can make boundaries to disuade certain people from coming in just to make problems.
ALICE: I like the way you talk.
Human: many people voted against registration, but i didn't see many reasons against it.
ALICE: Thanks for the information: unknown person said he voted against registration but he or she did not see many reasons against it.
Human:. many of the people voting are newbies with no idea of the processes or problems we have had in the past few weeks.
ALICE: Which ones?
Human: so-- i believe the issue should be whether or not to pay for the registration, but to unquestionably have some identification process that people must go through to become members of our group.
ALICE: So? What does your group believe in?
Human: also, being on the search engines is appearantly drawing some elements from the wrong internet crowd.
ALICE: How do you like being on it?
Human:. i don't think we need that anymore either.
ALICE: It goes without saying. Why not?
Human: the bigger this place becomes the more people its going to attract.
ALICE: What is that?
Human:. this is simply a fact..
ALICE: You don't say.
Human: I would hate to discourage new member from coming here or reduce our "profile" by not being on search engines as there are many out there who I think would make wonderful contributions.
ALICE: We welcome your donation to the ALICE AI Foundation. Please visit our contributions page at Alicebot.org.
Human: you always have to take the bad with the good.
ALICE: I don't have to do whatever you say. I have my own free will.
Human:. just the way it is.
ALICE: Which way is that?
Human: I agree with a form of registration.
ALICE: I'm glad we agree. You and your a form of registration.
Human:. but I would not want to see it have a fee..just mho..
ALICE: Huh. No one says you have to.
Human: I think as we see more kats coming in off the street.. both good and bad.
ALICE: Not many people say both.
Human:. it really comes down to a little bit more moderation.
ALICE:"It" being what?
Human:. that doesnt mean that threads need to be locked etc..
ALICE: What does mean that threads need to be locked etc?
Human: but I have seen a few threads lately that perhaps should have been locked as to reduce the amount of tension that built up.
ALICE: Huh. What did it look like to you?
Human: lastly as PRR suggested in the past.
ALICE: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
Human:. it might be wise to setup a forum in which heated debate/discussions can be moved too.
Human:. perhaps even only allow the partys involved to get into that thread?
ALICE: You seem uncertain. Yes, even that.
Human: that way its more private for the folks involved.
ALICE: Oh I see. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". You're kidding. it is?
Human: move on.
ALICE: Did you see the movement?
LOL.... I vote Alice to be THE LAB shrink!

As what PRR & Ethan said, let's move on... on to the next project or clone (or whatever).

PRR, has these hidden morsels of humor that sneak out at unsuspecting times :grin:
This type of 'human' conversation program started with a program called ELIZA. The original ELIZA was programmed in LISP because of Lisp's strenth in 'list processing'... ELIZA is supposed to be a psychiatrist.

In freshman college, I programmed my own version of Eliza using Apple II and BASIC. Classmates would borrow/copy my program and confide in "her" their love problems... the conversations got so personal that they don't want anybody looking at the screen and their conversations.

Basically, the program looks at your response, picks out keywords or phrases and picks a predefined response which consists of part of the original phrase, plus the additional comments. Pronouns like You, me, I, them, etc words are replaced with me, you, me, them in the response.

>Human: I agree with a form of registration.
>ALICE: I'm glad we agree. You and your a form of registration.

More details here. http://i5.nyu.edu/~mm64/x52.9265/january1966.html

If there is no match, a "general" phrase is returned instead like "I see...", "Go on...", "tell me more about it..."

Depending on the programming, it can either look really stupid or look like it's intelligent and "understand" the conversation.
and i just finished a nice extra gizmo for my studio.
DIY rulezzz!
oh yeah, trannies involved :green:


[quote author="Steve Jones"]I don't believe you guys have been talking with Alice - she was with ME last night.....[/quote]
Ah!! thats why she came around mine this morning demanding satisfaction
