I like clarity. I find clarity in FET mics and I find clarity in some classic tube mics. I rarely find clarity in modern tube mics, because these days people want to hear the tube - which usually means distortion. Classic tube mics are not distortion generators, they were designed for low distortion.
That said, I don't particularly like supermodern squeaky-clean solid state gear. Stuff like that has its uses, but you often find that avoiding distortion at all costs is just overdoing it and the means taken may be worse than the the actual cause.
P48 current limitation may actually be a good thing. It has kept designers from freely using opamps for stuff that a few transistors can do just fine. I don't have a problem with opamps and I don't have a problem with NFB as such. But using opamps often leads to *massive* amounts of NFB that can make a circuit sound lifeless. I don't think it's a good idea to use lots and lots of NFB just because you can. P48 current limitation is a challenge, and a challenge often is a good thing. It makes you more creative.
I like stuff that works and is easy to set up. I don't like external power supplies, and I don't like having to worry about tube life, especially when it comes unobtanium tubes. I have a U47, and I worry every time I use it. In fact, sometimes I worry about it, without even using it.
I think tube circuits are popular here, because they're easy to build. Many popular tube circuits are just a handful of components, you don't even need a circuit board and you don't need a dc/dc converter for proper polarization. That said, a simple 1-FET circuit such as a KM84 or Oktava MK-219/319 isn't too difficult, either. The Oktava MC012 circuit is underrated, maybe because it is transformerless. You hear a lot about transformer magic and tube magic, but sometimes the lack of any (obvious) magic can be magic as well.
That said, I don't particularly like supermodern squeaky-clean solid state gear. Stuff like that has its uses, but you often find that avoiding distortion at all costs is just overdoing it and the means taken may be worse than the the actual cause.
P48 current limitation may actually be a good thing. It has kept designers from freely using opamps for stuff that a few transistors can do just fine. I don't have a problem with opamps and I don't have a problem with NFB as such. But using opamps often leads to *massive* amounts of NFB that can make a circuit sound lifeless. I don't think it's a good idea to use lots and lots of NFB just because you can. P48 current limitation is a challenge, and a challenge often is a good thing. It makes you more creative.
I like stuff that works and is easy to set up. I don't like external power supplies, and I don't like having to worry about tube life, especially when it comes unobtanium tubes. I have a U47, and I worry every time I use it. In fact, sometimes I worry about it, without even using it.
I think tube circuits are popular here, because they're easy to build. Many popular tube circuits are just a handful of components, you don't even need a circuit board and you don't need a dc/dc converter for proper polarization. That said, a simple 1-FET circuit such as a KM84 or Oktava MK-219/319 isn't too difficult, either. The Oktava MC012 circuit is underrated, maybe because it is transformerless. You hear a lot about transformer magic and tube magic, but sometimes the lack of any (obvious) magic can be magic as well.