Windows is a steaming pile!

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2005
Far Away From Newsom
:evil: :evil:

After deferring installation of XP SP2 for as long as possible, I finally had to do it a couple of weeks ago. My antivirus SW needed SP2 for its own update to function. Bummer. So I did the SP2 dance and now my system is partly hosed. Can't open control panel (hangs system), can't drag and drop or rename files in windows exploder, can't run WinRAR, etc.

Of the crashes I can see, all are related to shlwapi.dll 6.0.2900.2753 which was part of the SP2 "update." I've searched MS' useless "support" site, have been googling around and trying various things for days and nothing is fixing it.

I HATE MICROSOFT! I have wasted hours of my life for something I paid $$ for and it still doesn't work right. Bastards!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
repugnant that anyone should have to pay for windows when it
never works and costs YOU time ,
and then down the chain of blame that no one can write software for it .
CA antitrust [ i think that's the name ] seems a good antivirus ,
i use shaw secure now from my service provider
Norton , seems o.k. but only ever for a little while ...................
criminal that they load it in on new computers like a bomb !
Well, after the SP2 fiasco I was not excited about the thought of downloading more updates, but that is what I did. Things seem to work now, but of course Windows has now undone much of my system tuning (removing unnecessary processes, drivers, and other crap like Windows Messenger). My OS is like the Mummy, limping along and groaning all the while...

Yeah, I know I should have a standalone DAW, but:

1) I don't want any more WindBlows systems to have to maintain,
2) I don't have space to waste on multiple computers/monitors/etc., and
3) I don't want to spend more $$ on duplicated SW (like XP)

It's not ideal, but for my simple uses it works (except when it doesn't). BTW I use Symantec/Norton and SpyBot-SD (free). When my AV license expires later this year I'm going to give AVG a try.

hope my experience can help you.
instal xp2,but don`t update,i mean it.never update.
i had the same problems you`re having.
bottom line:don`t update,and all is fine.
better:turn off automatic update.
xp2 ain`t that bad.
Yep. I agree with Pedro.
XP SP 2 is not bad - providing you do all the tweaks, remove the unneccesary stuff and yes, turn off automatic updates.
I started off on the Mac and always loved the classic Mac OS - but after OSX came along I decided to invest in a PC. It was cheaper than buying all the Mac software again and having to experience all the chaos that ensued before Apple 'kind of' got OSX going right.
I actually discovered that XP was generally pretty good. There are loads of nooks and crannies with things that need adjusting. After a good few years I've learnt which bits I can dispense with and I've found that providing you've got a decent setup, it can be fast AND stable.
Now Vista - that's another story. I think I will be sticking with XP for the forseeable future.
Microsoft want you to do everything their way and becoming a devotee of their operating system.
I tend to be of the opinion that computers and software should just be tools for getting your work done. Pop-ups, bubbles, messaging and constant updating are in my view just irritants.
Anyway, hope you got your sytem working okay.
P.S. Ditching Norton and using AVG Free instead will immediately yield a speed increase!
Well, I built this DAW system in 2004 (before SP2?) and haven't updated XP until now, so I am on the same page with you there. As I said, the Symantec AV thing is the only reason I did it. I spent a lot of time optimizing performance (and eliminating all the ridiculous CPU-sucking "features" I don't need) when I first got XP going. Now I have to go through it all again. PITA. Thanks for listening to my rant! No back to something productive...

My AVG update tells me that they will not be supporting the free version with current updates past this Saturday (31 May). I haven't looked at the detail, but it appears that this means I may have to look for a new anti-virus program. Does anyone know of any good ones?

By the way AP, I'm currently trying to configure my laptop to run smoothly for DAW use as well as other more prosaic tasks associated with my job. Is there a list of tweaks that you recommend or did you do it gradually using information as you found it?

I found some useful tweaks at which you need to join but it is painless.
I have a 300Mhz laptop which I upgraded from Win98 to XP Home with SP2, my PC version. The only trouble I have is with the Wireless Zero Configuration, which I have to start each time I boot up in order that my Zoom wireless adapter will work. And of course I have to reinstall every 30 days, but that only takes a couple of hours.
[quote author="Seedysea"]My AVG update tells me that they will not be supporting the free version with current updates past this Saturday (31 May). I haven't looked at the detail, but it appears that this means I may have to look for a new anti-virus program. Does anyone know of any good ones?[/quote]
Yep, AVG Free 8.0 :grin:

Seriously, just get the update. It may be a bit hidden but it's there and available.


Ooops. :oops:

Now I see it.

Thanks very much for that, Peter. They got me with the pop-up that has been appearing for a while and does not connect to the free version download. It appeared that I had to upgrade to the paid version, which may be a good idea anyway, it is a good program. However, their website has been designed by particularly secretive people.

For others looking, it's here;
Glad to be of help. :thumb:

I guess quite a few people will just buy the full version because the free one is a bit hidden and that's of course the very reason for it.

Am running v8.0 for a few weeks now and all seems fine, updating works etc.

But I'm really surprised how quick scanning of a complete PC is finished now, a few orders of magnitude quicker, this can't be for real. Must be a (hidden :wink: )setting somewhere.
I haven't looked at the manual though (also available for the free version, as pdf), that will solve it I assume, but if you find something please report back.


I don't really understand .....

There's nothing wrong with XP fundamentally, it's actually really solid these days. I've had perfectly functional PC's both DAW and everyday machines run faultlessly with both XP SP2 and currently XP SP3. Damn even PT LE 7.4cs4 runs faultlessly on XP SP3 with AV, firewall, auto updates turned on....

Imho Norton is rubbish and I always stay away from it and to add insult to such shit software it's a resource hog.... I recommend and use ESET Smart Security Suite (includes AV, firewall, antispyware and antispam) on my everday OS, you wouldn't even know it's running except for it's update notifications daily.
I'm finally starting to change the way I feel about software and not just going with the latest standard offerings that I would have previously. While I'm still light-years away from being a Debian or Ubuntu guy, I'm not guzzling the Flavor-Aid blindly anymore. I just got a new laptop for work and went with:

Windows XP - Glad that I could still get this and didn't have to suffer with Vista.

Open Office - This was the first time I tried it. Saved me ~$300 and I really like it.

Foxit Reader - Much faster and better than Adobe, and doesn't prompt me to allow it to update every 15 minutes. Tabbed pdf's too!

Firefox - been doing this for a while. My first breakaway from MS.

AVG (paid version) - Norton can kiss my balls. I will never install that virus again on any machine I use.

I still like my MS Picture It/Digital Image Pro, Streets and Trips, and Halo though.

For the sites that don't work so well with firefox I use opera.
I use windows, never in my life has given me problems, but you have to keep it off all networks and internet to keep it stable. As long as you do that your shouldnt have any problems.. I also have registry mechanic and defrag on automated schedules so it keeps it running optimally.. might be bad hardware?

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