JohnRoberts said:
and organized religion
that is correct, and I personally disagree with him on that, but he is still a funny comendian/satire, personally what I like about his show is that he invites both sides from an ideology, for example, he is extremely anti-republican, yet, he will constantly invite republicans to his show, he always tries to disprove them but the point is that he gives the other side a voice, and I think that is healthy.
However, he seems to avoid the heavy hitters of the opposite side, for example there are a lot of great theologians that are not invited (maybe the theologians didn't accept the invitation, that might be an answer) but when discussing religion for example, he will bring in Sam Harris, or Dawkins, or even Neil DeGrass Tyson, and the opponent is some little league guy, so no contest there.... plus, his audience will most of the time back him up and clap about everything he says. The Ben Shapiro interview is interesting, it was a direct attack, Ben replied with some great arguments and the audience went dead silent, Maher replied and the audience cheered, plus the interview was very short, so yeah, he gives both sides a voice but in a way that he is always on the winning side.
Another example, he brought in Sam Harris to discuss how bad Islam is, now I dislike Sam Harris but he is quite intelligent and extremely well versed, and to make a case for Islam was some who know who, plus, the biggest critic who was no other than Ben Affleck (who of course made a fool out of himself), so, you have to be fair, if you are going to bring in Sam Harris you should bring in someone of the same stature for the other side, not freaking Batman.