This is really not at all an accurate read.Who would willingly sacrifice years of their children's education when an alternative is available?
Charter schools, quite frankly, are not the answer. They are often just more direct avenues to tax $$$$$ for education corporations. They also typically have less stringent requirements for teachers, which may seem like a good idea until your kid is in a class with someone who should never be leading a classroom of children, or who at best is a bumbling mediocrity. There are charters that work okay, a few that work really well but are largely impossible to replicate on any sort of large scale. And private schools run the gamut from great to absolutely dreadful.
The public school teachers I've known/dealt with tended to be better in the classroom, and better qualified than the charter school teachers I've had experience with. As I've noted elsewhere, corporate meddling and bureaucratic nonsense (which in big cities at least, tends to be driven by wealthy outside influences) are probably the biggest problems facing public schools today. Teachers, especially the supposed "liberal" ones, tend to take the most blame, but in my experience (and guess what, folks? Unlike some of the know-everythings around here, I have real, actual experience with this stuff) they deserve far less blame than many other actors and factors. And if kids are being indoctrinated into anything, it's bullsh!t corporatism, "TED Talk capitalism" for lack of a better term; something that likely nauseates me far more than our conservative list members.