You want to know if I'm familiar with HV PSU design...I got it down almost to a science whether it be all tube or hybrid or all SS. I even have a handful of the HIP5600 high voltage (400V) three terminal regulators.
PSU can affect the performance of the piece in so many ways.... Take a tube rectifier it can make the amp sound more liquid, enhance 3D imagery etc. better than any SS rectifier can....and I don't care what the big shots have to say about it, what I hear is what I know. Some things in tube electronics defies explanation, not even SPICE can accurately model it.
PSU can affect the performance of the piece in so many ways.... Take a tube rectifier it can make the amp sound more liquid, enhance 3D imagery etc. better than any SS rectifier can....and I don't care what the big shots have to say about it, what I hear is what I know. Some things in tube electronics defies explanation, not even SPICE can accurately model it.