After making some headway with other projects I came back to this. I read up on some of the earlier build threads to avail myself of some trouble shooting tips, not so much there for someone building from the schematic.
I re-checked the input and side chain circuits against the schematic, everything seemed in order. I have used BC179s and BC549s in the circuit (except for a couple of BC559s), because this is what I had that looked suitable. Output was 2N4919G/2N4922G mounted on heat sinks.
All rail voltages were pretty close, the meters needles were rising to about the midpoint, the hold control had the correct voltage and was moving the meter needle. I was definitely getting compression, I could see that the recovery switch was working (if you adjust the hold control and then return it back to center it will move quickly to where you adjust to but the rate of return to center will depend on the recovery setting. However, distortion was pretty high at most hold settings and I was not getting any meter swing. I swapped positions 1 and 3 on the hold pot as they were the wrong way around (As I understand it, clockwise rotation of the hold should send the meter needle to the left).
I spent time adjusting the AOT resistors. I used 620ohm for AOT1. I adjusted AOT7/9 until I had the VT5/6 voltages within about 0.02V of each other, which is within about 0.3%. This was using just a single 3k6 resistor (same value worked for both channels). I will try and get closer by dropping in a trim pot to find the exact resistor(s) value for even closer voltage balance. AOT10 was standard 10ohm and AOT8 was unused. The compression/limiter AOT values currently in place are just the standard ones for the moment. Working on the supplies for VT5 and VT6 made a big difference.
I'm happy to start trying to work out how to use it now.